The Fastest Member, Riding to Canada


Fastest Member
Elite Member
I hope you like straight, flat roads.
I've had to make a few deliveries in Canada and some of the roads are pretty epic. Not sure about when it's cold as crap but have fun none the less.

Sent while running with scissors.
have a good trip, better hurry up its probably down to 10 degrees up there already!

You'll be OK in southern Ontario for the month of October. We're getting into November before you need to start thinking about freezing temperatures during the day. There might be some cold nights, so check cars for frost in the mornings.

You'll want to watch your speed, but you're generally OK as long as you don't go more than 20 km/h over the limit.
Def make it sooner rather than later!! Weather is turning..fall is stunning out East thats for sure....its abit warmer in Ontario than out here on the west side. You would love riding thru the rockies for sure but def not this time of year. Keep us posted on your trip for sure!

At what point does referring to yourself as the "fastest member" get old? See definitions #2 and #3 here.
Sometime last August.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure there are some pilots on here that certainly can come closer to qualifying.
