The DSLR Picture Thread!


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Here are a few shots from the past few weeks :)






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Camping shots from Katarapko NP, near Loxton South Aus









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were a couple of those taken with the canon 70-300 4-5.6 lens?

I so I can see that out at the high zoom you have the typical fuzzyness that lens suffers from. I not there are several other lenses that have this problem as well. Back off the lens about 25-50mm and you'll get a much sharper picture, It wont be as tight of a view but it will be a lot sharper.

Other than that I like that bike in you first shot though I would love to see a side angle of it.

I like the shot of the kids as well, they look like they are having a good time but the one kid looks a little board with what's going on, lol.


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were a couple of those taken with the canon 70-300 4-5.6 lens?

I so I can see that out at the high zoom you have the typical fuzzyness that lens suffers from. I not there are several other lenses that have this problem as well. Back off the lens about 25-50mm and you'll get a much sharper picture, It wont be as tight of a view but it will be a lot sharper.

Other than that I like that bike in you first shot though I would love to see a side angle of it.

I like the shot of the kids as well, they look like they are having a good time but the one kid looks a little board with what's going on, lol.

Cheers BoneJj, man i wish i had full DSLR my camera is only a Olympic SP800UZ, shot details are these, but yep the Kangaroo was shot from almost 50m away, whilst we were "camouflaged" in our 4WD. The dig. auto focus was tripping out a bit. My wife & I both would love to have fully operable lense -however I choose bike parts and other family options before another camera!

Yeah the Velocette was a curiousity, however I didnt get a side shot.
Fishing only held the boys attention for so long, playing armies and random fantasy adventures througth the scrub were more on their priotiy list.

I like your sea side clouds, castle and child shots -fantastic and the scultpure peak through is remarkable -nice work!


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I haven't dabbled in HDR yet. I don't have a tripod so I'd have to do a good job staying still if I choose to bracket it.

I need to replace my tripod. I broke mine a few months ago now and haven't had the funds to replace it just yet.

I need to get a whole new setup though, legs, head and everything else.


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