Thank you Service Men and Women


I would just like to thank the men and women that serve, with the Memorial Weekend coming up. Past and present. Also remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you from Oregon!
A huge Thank You to all our people serving to protect our freedoms. There is a not a day that goes by that I don't think of my fellow brothers and sisters overseas fighting each day to protect our great country.

While we are enjoying our leisure time with our families this weekend, think about the men and women who are busy baking their asses off, eating MRE's, and treating the day like it is just another work day, overseas. If you have friends or families that are deployed, take 2 minutes to send them an email or phone call, letting them know you are thinking about them.

God bless the USA, land of the free, home of the brave, and F**k the people who want to destroy us...
I will never fully understand what you all go through but am extremely greatful.
I thank you all for helping those who normally couldn't help themselves and giving them a chance to know freedom. Take care of each other and come home safe. :america:

The first time I heard this song I got teared up thinking about our family members over there. Your hard work and selflessness does not go over looked. I thank you ALL for our freedom.
[ame=""]YouTube - Letters Home from the Garden of Stone ... New Everlast video[/ame]
BIG Thanks to all the service men and women. Got several good friends who have been overseas and can't wait to get back. Hope you guys and gals all stay safe both home and abroad. I personally am thankful (as I am sure we all are) for the freedoms we have and continue to have because of the brave men and women in uniform. :america::rockon:
I am a Veteran and a teacher who pledges to the Flag every day to give thanks to all the men and women past and present that serve or have served to be able to live in this wonderful country. I explain to my high school kids without their sacrifice your education and freedom would not be possible. God bless you all and the USA!
Not to be a jerk or anything, but as a Navy veteran (medic for the USMC), Memorial Day is not for me or any other living veteran.

It's for those who died while serving our country.

I don't feel comfortable taking away from that.

There's always Veteran's Day.

Thanks for letting me share.
Not to be a jerk or anything, but as a Navy veteran (medic for the USMC), Memorial Day is not for me or any other living veteran.

It's for those who died while serving our country.
That is why I spent the day at the vets national cemetery in Gustine, ca. My brother is buried there as well, so Mom and I pay our respects. They have a nice service every year for Veterans day.
Not to be a jerk or anything, but as a Navy veteran (medic for the USMC), Memorial Day is not for me or any other living veteran.

It's for those who died while serving our country.

I don't feel comfortable taking away from that.

There's always Veteran's Day.

Thanks for letting me share.

+1, 22 year Navy Retiree here, let's not only remember those who have passed but also thier families.
