Teaching the wife to ride


New Member
It was alot of fun, today was round number two. The first round was on Tuesday. On tuesday what I did was had her sit on the seca 750 and basically run through and tell me which parts of the bike were which. Then I proceeded to have her Sit on the back with me and go for a quick stroll in the parking lot so she got the hang of the feeling. After that She got on the bike and basically learned clutch controll, But she was a little timid to let the clutch out and ride it fully in 1st, so she spent about 30 minutes riding the clutch a little and walking the bike. It was a great expirience for her. Then today was the big day! Found a new parking lot off to the side of a school which was flat and a large area for her, where as the other parking lot was slopped on a hill which wasnt the best for her first time. So when we got to the parking lot it was kind of funny because there were two sets of parents with their kids at the play ground and a boyfriend and girlfriend playing basketball about 1/8th of a mile away, so far enough for them to not even know what we were doing. But naturally as the female she is, was timid and was thinking everyone was watching her. So after about 10 minutes of telling her no one is watching let alone cares what were doing, she finally mustered the courage to move on! :cheer: So She slowly let the clutch out and the bike chugged a little as it roughed into 1st gear, and BAM!!!! She was off like a horse out of the chutes! And she slowly putzed around the parking lot about 15 laps and slowly accelerated, then backed off and just got the feel for even riding it! It was so rewarding to see her do it and not even dump the bike :bow: That would have sucked haha! But I would have much rather it been my seca than the new Fz!!! Not to mention, she looked pretty hott on the bike so I enjoyed it :cool:

So Anyways I know what your all thinking....


So here they are :) Plus I have the movie but idk if Ill know how to upload it??? Sorry about the pic quality, the Iphone apparently sucks at action photos in HD -_-

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YouTube - Brookes1stRide.3gp


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It can be very exciting to learn how to ride a motorcycle... for you and her. Please consider enrolling her in an MSF class. Go here for locations in your area Motorcycle Safety Foundation
That's pretty dope. I support allowing her skills to develop as slowly as she wants them to. Patient hubbies earn big kudos points as far as I can tell.

I'm trying to convince my wife to transfer to motorcycles- she rides a Buddy 125 scooter now. Then sometimes I get nervous about her riding- the other day we were doing scooter maintenance and I asked her to hold the rear brake lever........

.......and she had to ask me which one it is. Scooting for 3 years, don't know which brake lever is which?
Great job!

I must say though, a scuffed up palm or finger(s) can slow down her progress and confidence. Please consider gloves when practicing.

Ride safe.
I think I agree about the gloves, but not about wearing them the first time. Since she doesn't have throttle control and she wants to learn a bit slowly it seems, let her use her hands for feeling. I dunno about other gloves but the ones I bought from FZ6Rblack have such awesome grip that the throttle is WAY
more sensitive with the gloves on. When I went from no gloves--->gloves it was a bit scary how any little movement would make the bike just take off. It seems like she has it down though, so in a session or two she should be wearing gloves to keep her from hurting herself and making her want to stop.

I wanna teach my girlfriend and my sister but not on the fz6r. I'll teach them both in a couple of years so they could both use the same beginner bike, although my girlfriend is much more of a pansy :D
That is awesome man!! Absolutely get her in an MSF course. She will be tought everything she needs to know, and here is PA, it is free and you get your license at the end, so there is no good reason to not take it.

No gloves?

I think I agree about the gloves, but not about wearing them the first time. Since she doesn't have throttle control and she wants to learn a bit slowly it seems, let her use her hands for feeling. I dunno about other gloves but the ones I bought from FZ6Rblack have such awesome grip that the throttle is WAY
more sensitive with the gloves on. When I went from no gloves--->gloves it was a bit scary how any little movement would make the bike just take off. It seems like she has it down though, so in a session or two she should be wearing gloves to keep her from hurting herself and making her want to stop.

I wanna teach my girlfriend and my sister but not on the fz6r. I'll teach them both in a couple of years so they could both use the same beginner bike, although my girlfriend is much more of a pansy :D

She has gloves coming in the mail from revzilla, Safety is my number one factor for her. I wouldnt let her ride it without her jacket and helmet, let alone sit on it due to the concept :spank: I want my baby coming home to me in one piece after she starts riding! But I wanted her to feel and understand the throttle before adding a buffer inbetween.

As for the Motorcycle Safety Courses, She is already enrolled and waiting for it to start on may 8th!!! :steve: she just wanted to have a feel for the motorcycle and make sure its what she wants to do, and have basic knowledge so shes a few steps ahead of the game before it starts!

And the kudos for my patience? Thanks a ton, its not easy sometimes haha :rant: just kidding about the rant guy!Today is 65 and sunny, Im going to be leaving for about a 200 mile round trip for fun in about an hour but when I get back home tonight it should be PRIME weather for her learning!!!!
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That is awesome man!! Absolutely get her in an MSF course. She will be tought everything she needs to know, and here is PA, it is free and you get your license at the end, so there is no good reason to not take it.

FREE??? In PA it's FREE?? Jesus,,here in N.S. it is almost $400.00!!!:eek:
Yeah its $280 here...and $160 for the intro course you have to take before that one.
As to you Cautious! Awesome! I'm having a hard time even getting my wife interested in riding two up, let alone learning to ride on her own.

Thanks dart! It was alot of fun, Im sure once the wifey noticed how much your gone and having fun on the bike either

A.) She will start to want to go with


B.) The bike will start sitting alot more than being ridden :rant:

But all depends on the type of lady she is haha :eek:

But good luck to you, Im sure over time you can convince her of the enjoyement of riding with you!!!

FREE??? In PA it's FREE?? Jesus,,here in N.S. it is almost $400.00!!!:eek:

Hahaha. Yup. Here, you pay to take the permit test but the MSF class is free. I probably wouldn't even be here if I wasn't so enticed by the $0 price tag.

CC, you're doing the same exact thing I want to do with my wife. She sat on a red ninja at one dealership when I was looking for a Fizzer and she looked so good. She's told me as long as I show her everything on my bike before she gets to the class so she can be ahead of the game, she'll do the MSF course. I can't wait til she gets in there.
