Tatty's Video Thread

WARNING, it is a longer video, roughly 13 minutes. It's hard to cut 200 miles of nice riding down into a short video...


You need another warning... JSP cant get off the center line haha. :D First time taking some good corners with the wife on the back. Had a hard time getting her body/weight positioned right. Really affected the handling/tracking. Was never affected this much on my other bikes, but this one acts totally different with a passenger.

Still have not made my video yet...
Just a couple of short clips from today.

This one is me hitting gravel in a corner:

And this one was a sad one, rider down. Did not witness it, but happened a very short time before I got to it. The guy was lying on his side with some of riding partners holding his head and neck. Airlink came and picked him up... Haven't heard anything on the news or anything...:
Damn... Glad you stayed up. Sucks about the other guy. How was the rest of the road?
It was a close one for me, actually came off the seat a bit. Have no idea how the other guy is... The rest of the road was actually pretty sketchy. Lots of golf ball sized rocks and a bunch of gravel.

Ew... dont like hearing that... Especially on that road with such tight blind corners. :(
Lots of traffic too. Don't know how well running 242 will work out this summer...

Need to check out Aufderheide too still. It is right after 242. 242 may clean up a bit and calm down once we get a little into summer...? Hopefully. It was opening weekend and all.
nice video, in a awesome place for what I can tell :)

just two questions: do you always drive with your high bean on?
and how do you fixate your camera do your fairings?

what is with the horrible blocky, pixelization of this video, none of your past videos seem to have this issue, something seems up and that video is looking horrible.
what is with the horrible blocky, pixelization of this video, none of your past videos seem to have this issue, something seems up and that video is looking horrible.

I noticed that too. I do know the lens on the case is a little chipped from some rocks hitting it and most of this run was with the sun shining almost directly in the lens. A combination of both is probably the culprit of this crappy, pixelated video.
