Targa Tassie

Thanks for the kind words & support

Checkout my custom made body brace!
They just fitted me in this thing

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First coffee break of many
Swans at Salt Creek

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Sculptures near Great Lake
Simon's Duc having a piss break
Rocket Ride (RIP) enjoying the scenery
More coffee breaks

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My healing update

Found out my dislocated femur punctured my hamstring & popped out to say hello to the world:(

Thankfully only my T9-12 & L1-5 had the phlanges bits broken off (total of 9 vertebrae with multiple fractures each) and fractured hip and pelvis

Either way I got the nurse to stop giving the heavy pain meds on Saturday and now Monday night all that opioid crap has flushed out of my system and feel like a human being again. Still in pain but able to function mostly normal.

Friday I stood for the first time with 2 physio aides and frames.
Saturday I stood & had short walk -only 6 metres and sat upright for a while
Sunday walked myself to the toilet with a walker, and to the shower -man that felt nice to wash properly. Also walked a bit more and sat in the sunlight for the first time since Monday afternoon.
Monday (today) walked around hospital halls, showered, shaved, my wife cut my hair, bowels are beginning to function more regularly!
These smalls steps have made such a differrence, today the Rehab dr said that they may discharge me by the end of the week for outpatient rehab! Man I hope so, being in hospital surrounded by other sickening sights makes me so thankful that I have always been fit.
My wife & kids have to fly back to Sth Aus tomorrow morning, it has been fantastic to spend time with them.
With any luck I will be discharged on Friday to stay with my brother (who lives here) until I am fit enough to fly home too!

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Great going man.
Good to hear that you are getting to your feet :)
Well Saturday morning here and I get discharged this morning,
I will be staying with my brother & his wife for easily another week, maybe more. I have to be critical of myself to stay focused on my healing for long term prospects, rather than focusing on getting home to my wife & kids.
It is a struggle being 2k+ km's away from them

Anyhow to help fill in time between physio I have been researching a new ride for myself (for once I am physically & mentally ok).
This will be extra difficult for me, due to my R6 sitting in the shed -as she is all ready & waiting to be re-registered for the road
Atleast if I am unable to ride her in 6 months time I can sell her off.

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After 3.5 weeks away (originally planned 8 days) I finally got home last night!
My wife bought us a new king size bed, which means of room for me to transfer in out of.
I dont remenber ever holding my kids and wife for so long:)
The last 2 weeks without them has been awful, something I dont reccomend.

Healing wise still have a couple weeks to go using crutches to reduce pressure on my left hip & knee and my back brace is getting easier to deal with over long time periods

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13 weeks down update
Got clearance from Dr Thursday fortnight ago, so no more back brace!

I have been doing physio twice a week for the last 4 weeks with stretching & this week exercises 2-3 times a day.
I have been back at work for 4hrs a day for the last 6 weeks & hopefully, as of next month, will resume full days.
My physical endurance is still not back to normal. As it stands by 3pm I feel a bit knackered, & by 6pm Im shattered.

My xrays last week showed my spine, pelvis, rib & hip fractures have healed. Although I have 3 fragments of bone (about the size of my thumb tip) floating near my lower vertebrae.

I am sooo hoping to get back on a moto within the next 3 months, but I have to stay level headed too!
I get so antsy sometimes, daydreaming of riding again:beer:

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Rocket Ride is dead!
I got the official call today, after frigging around for almost 2 months my Insurance co. agreed with my repairer that she was beyond repair.

So if anyone wants a sweet deal on some cheap mods in Aus, keep an eye on the auction houses coming out of Tassie or Melb's. The top half of the bike was beaten pretty well & sides knocked around but (but) the ceramic coated headers, Marthy viper & pcv were untouched.

Now to get fully healed so I can go looking for a purdy new gal:)

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