Targa Tassie


Well-Known Member
Well I am all booked in for my own Targa Tasmania in March.

My eldest brother and I will be riding from Adelaide to Melbourne, via The Great Ocean Road (around 1000km's)
Jumping on The Spirit of Tasmania Ferry for an over-night float to Devonport

At Devonport my 2nd eldest brother will meet us and spend the next four days lapping the Apple Isle on different routes, seeing the sights!
Tasmania, Australia
Can not wait:wav:
just hope there are not too many slow tourists and logging trucks in our way:D

To finish off our road trip we will be riding back along the Great Ocean Road to Adelaide.
So all up i am expecting around 4000km's over the week away (def going to need fresh rubber before hand)

I will have to remember to stop once in a while to actually take photos!
I always find I get too into the riding to remeber to stop and take it all in
sounds like a great time going to be had by you all, very envious!!!

I have the car in the shed awaiting some work and then I will finally get to compete in Targa Tassie,
It is all on our moto's, no cages whatsoever, just in case I misled in OP

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The actually rally race I dont know.

We are riding on own moto version in March.

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Photo or vids of the trip.... Sounds like good trip.... Makes me wish my bros rode.... But they are lil girls... Lol

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Before getting my XJ6S 3 years ago I didnt really know my eldest brothers, as they are 8 years older than me.
Growing up we were always at different stages and never had anything in common.
As adults I fell out with my parents and we never had an ice breaker to get to know each other.
One afternoon whilst riding I came across my eldest brother in his truck and flagged him down.
From there we started getting together
...and now we plan rides and roadtrips.

All due to the magic of moto's eh?

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6 days/ 7 sleeps and counting
...(finger tapping, foot tapping, getting the moto-shakes)
Editing this as a blog of events prior to my accident

After departing Adelaide on Friday morning, we made our way through the hills, coorong and southeast to Pt Fairy for our first night.
Saturday was unbelievable!!!! Great Ocean Road heading east to Melbourne.
When I can I will post some photos.

Sunday morning in Tassie was chilly. After departing the boat getting breakfast we headed out for an AMAZING morning:-D
200km's of prime sweepers through hillsides all before 9am.

We all cued our headsets and natting away, absolutely brilliant this little islandB-)

Will type more later...

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Well now she is allover
My RocketRide has departed this earth, only to be seen in a salvage sale.
Monday afternoon, after a magnificent morning and pancake lunch the road conditions were sketchy with lots of leaf litter, loose asphalt and narrow twisties.
I stupidly target fixated, locked the rear & high sided.
Off I came and down I went.

My Rocket Ride flipped on top of me.
I suffered a dislocated left hip and multiple fractures to my vertibrae. They havent told me exactly as yet.

Now 24hours afterwards I am waiting in stasis for more tests.
Wish me luck!

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Wow that sounds really bad, hope it's nothing to bad and u heal up quickly. Really sucks as u were so excited for this trip aswell. All the best mate, hopefully see ya In the near future healed up and back on two wheels.
At present Dr says 6 weeks until I am allowed to move.
My wife & kids are flying in today, which is going to be both marvellous and very difficult.

I have to be honest with myself and consider atleast 6months as soonest I can throw my leg over a bike.

My Rocket Ride was peeforming really well too:(

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Oh man, that sucks so bad... :(

I'm glad you're here to write about it, though!! Good luck with the recovery! I'm sending lots of positive, bone healing thoughts you're way. So are you not allowed to travel back home until after the six weeks? Hopefully having your family there will make the time go by faster... I'm really sorry about your bike, too.
Best wishes and a swift recover mate.
Hope you are up and about real soon.
So sorry to hear this but very glad your still here to tell us.......heal well and you will be back out on the open road before you know it. Take it easy and listen to the Dr's!!
