Sun damage


New Member
How's it going everybody. Well I live in a very sunny part of Arizona and I've noticed that certain parts of my bike, especially the mirrors and handlebars have started to have the paint fade away. I've used a bike cover before and someone actually stole my last one, ridiculous I know. Just wanted to know some opinions and insight to any info someone has about maybe some products or ways to reduce or delay the effect of harmful sun rays. I do wax my bike maybe once a month and the body is in good shape it's really just the plastic parts that are wearing down fast. Again thanks in advance for any help. Take care everyone
I think clear shield double bubble screens warp the dash. Never heard of a stock shield doing that.

Thanks for all the helpful info guys. I'll definitely look into those products. Also never thought to do a double cover. I really admire how helpful and friendly everyone is here on this forum. Thanks again.
