stolen helmet ever?

Don't leave mine if I can't see it. Had a buddy get a soda dumped in his while it was locked to his bike.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
Don't leave mine if I can't see it. Had a buddy get a soda dumped in his while it was locked to his bike.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!

That's messed up right there man! That would cause me to loose control if I saw someone doing that.
+1, my disk lock came with a 4' cable, I usually bring everything with me.But I can run the cable through my jackets sleeve, two helmets, my saddle bags, whatever needs it

what lock is this?
I always take mine with me! I've heard stories of screws getting stolen off bikes, so no thanks to leaving my helmet lying around.
I take everything with me.

You know... for that extra "cool" status factor when walking around or sitting to eat/drink.

(According to my 17 yo daughter, apparently I could benefit from some extra "cool" status at my age.)

That's funny right there.

But trust me, if you're riding a motorcycle, you're already cool. I remember a friend of mine in high school showed up to a formal event on the back of her dad's Harley - I was like WHOOOOOAAAAA, your dad is soooo cool!!! And while I always thought she was good looking in a "I roll out of bed in the morning and look good" kinda way - not flashy or showy at all, she got a whole lot better looking climbing off the bike and pulling her helmet off...
