Star Wars: Old Republic


Cynical Member
Elite Member
Did play it for a little while, didn't really get into it. Too WoW for me. So I went back to City of Heroes. Been playing CoH for about 4-5 years off and on. When the wife is home, it's off. When she isn't, it's on.
I have an account, characters on Mind Trick server. I haven't really played a couple months though. I can log on and do some stuff if you want. I think a few of my buddies are still playing too, so they could do stuff with you as well.
Looks fun but I can't justify a monthly fee in a video game. You like it?

I loooooved the knights of the old republic games. I hope we see a 3 someday
The game is definately worth playing up to max level. Then it's kind of just a shallow grind. I say this because the rewards to grinding are pretty lackluster / all the same.

As for the story and leveling up, that was fun and I really enjoyed it. So if you like the single player or hate paying monthly, just get it as such (1 month free included with purchase). Play to max and stop. Nothing spent more than a box purchase. You can definately get to max level in a month of casual play.
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Thanks Parcho. I'm a noob when it comes to MMORPG's. Never wanted to play any until this one, and if I could do it without the MM part (or the O for that matter), I'd be happy. Not much for playing online with random people, and it's hard to coordinate people you know to play at the same times. But I loved the original KOTOR games, and all of BioWare's games for that matter, so I had to give this one a whirl to get my fix in since Mass Effect 3 was kind of a letdown.

I think I'm picking it up, but some things are mystifying to me, like the Galactic Exchange. I could figure it out, but I'd rather spend my time going into the story.

I'm on the PvE server named something like Booga's Pleasure Barge, or some such. I like that random people can't just come up and kill you like some MMORPG's. I'll PM you later for your details Parcho, although it sounds like with a maxed out character it'd be like bringing a nuke to a knife fight. :)

Nah, its cool. I'll patch the game now and start a new character with you for a bit and teach you some ins and outs. I'll PM you my phone number and you can just text me whenver you're ready to play. I've been playing MMO's since 1999 with EverQuest. I got crazy addicted to that when I was basically paralyzed for a year.

If you can, download TeamSpeak or Ventrillo (both are free). You don't need a mic, but if you have one thats even better. It's a lot easier to verbally explain the game than type it out.
