Star Trek (2009)


New Member
Saw this movie yesterday and have to say that I enjoyed it thoroughly. If you haven't seen the TV series with Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, and the rest of the crew, you might not get some of the one liners they dish out.

I think the casting was near spot on and the story was in true form. I’m not a crazy huge trekkie fan but I did enjoy the series. If you liked the series, you have to go see this at the movies.

Completely agreed! Character one liners are plentiful, and the action and graphics is amazing. If you haven't seen it, and you are into Scifi... then you are missing out!
If you haven't seen the TV series with Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, and the rest of the crew, you might not get some of the one liners they dish out.:thumbup::thumbup:

Is that even possible to have not seen the original? Seems like something a person would have to actively try to avoid, especially with all of the references in pop culture these days.

But I must say as a person who has primarily only seen TNG and Enterprise that I still found the movie to be a stunning piece of work. Its just the kickstart that the Star Trek franchise has been so badly needing.

Also, I know that this is going to make me sound terribly geeky, but the proper term is "trekker", not "trekkie". The trekkie term was officially phased out in the 70's.
I saw this at the IMax yesterday. Here's what I learned.

1. A peaceful Romulan mining ship is ten times the size of the Enterprise, and can easily take out six Federation starships without breaking a sweat.

2. The interior of a Romulan mining ship was designed by M.C. Escher after he took several hits of LSD.

3. The interior of a Romulan mining ship has several inches of water flooding the floor, in close proximity to the control consoles and other electrical systems.

4. The interior of a Romulan mining ship is mostly one large open space.

5. A Vulcan spaceship blowing an opening in the doors leading to this large open space will not depressurize the large open space.

6. Vulcan spaceships combine the finest styling elements of the iPod and the eggbeater.

7. A single drop of "Red Matter" will eat a planet from the inside out in minutes.

8. But first, you have to drill a hole to the center of the planet. Red matter apparently cannot eat a planet from the outside in.

9. It also cannot harm hypodermic needles. So New Jersey beaches and Times Square are safe.

10. Although a single drop of Red Matter will eat a planet in minutes, a six foot sphere of it takes quite a long time to eat a Romulan mining ship.

11. So long, in fact, that there's time for conversation.

12. When your enemy's spaceship is being sucked into a black hole, you really should hang around and shoot at them, just to be sure.

13. J.J. Abrams sucks. (EDIT: I already knew that.)
I saw this at the IMax yesterday. Here's what I learned.

1. A peaceful Romulan mining ship is ten times the size of the Enterprise, and can easily take out six Federation starships without breaking a sweat.

2. The interior of a Romulan mining ship was designed by M.C. Escher after he took several hits of LSD.

3. The interior of a Romulan mining ship has several inches of water flooding the floor, in close proximity to the control consoles and other electrical systems.

4. The interior of a Romulan mining ship is mostly one large open space.

5. A Vulcan spaceship blowing an opening in the doors leading to this large open space will not depressurize the large open space.

6. Vulcan spaceships combine the finest styling elements of the iPod and the eggbeater.

7. A single drop of "Red Matter" will eat a planet from the inside out in minutes.

8. But first, you have to drill a hole to the center of the planet. Red matter apparently cannot eat a planet from the outside in.

9. It also cannot harm hypodermic needles. So New Jersey beaches and Times Square are safe.

10. Although a single drop of Red Matter will eat a planet in minutes, a six foot sphere of it takes quite a long time to eat a Romulan mining ship.

11. So long, in fact, that there's time for conversation.

12. When your enemy's spaceship is being sucked into a black hole, you really should hang around and shoot at them, just to be sure.

13. J.J. Abrams sucks. (EDIT: I already knew that.)

Wow Fred, I thought the show was great. Tell me something, can you enjoy any movie at all, or do you just nitpick at every little flaw in the storyline until you are so jaded that you can't even sit back and enjoy the characters and special effects and the overall entertainment value of a film? :D And since when has Star Trek ever had a bullet-proof plot? I'm no Star Trek fan, but I can enjoy an entertaining movie...

Did you take notes or something? Dude, just sit back and enjoy the ride next time.
Is that even possible to have not seen the original? Seems like something a person would have to actively try to avoid, especially with all of the references in pop culture these days.

But I must say as a person who has primarily only seen TNG and Enterprise that I still found the movie to be a stunning piece of work. Its just the kickstart that the Star Trek franchise has been so badly needing.

Also, I know that this is going to make me sound terribly geeky, but the proper term is "trekker", not "trekkie". The trekkie term was officially phased out in the 70's.

I was waiting in line to buy tickets to Star Trek last weekend, and a couple of kids behind me probably High School aged were talking about how this was gonna be their first experience with Star Trek, movie or TV show. Now that made me feel old, and I'm only 25. :eek:
I saw this at the IMax yesterday. Here's what I learned.

1. A peaceful Romulan mining ship is ten times the size of the Enterprise, and can easily take out six Federation starships without breaking a sweat.

2. The interior of a Romulan mining ship was designed by M.C. Escher after he took several hits of LSD.

3. The interior of a Romulan mining ship has several inches of water flooding the floor, in close proximity to the control consoles and other electrical systems.

4. The interior of a Romulan mining ship is mostly one large open space.

5. A Vulcan spaceship blowing an opening in the doors leading to this large open space will not depressurize the large open space.

6. Vulcan spaceships combine the finest styling elements of the iPod and the eggbeater.

7. A single drop of "Red Matter" will eat a planet from the inside out in minutes.

8. But first, you have to drill a hole to the center of the planet. Red matter apparently cannot eat a planet from the outside in.

9. It also cannot harm hypodermic needles. So New Jersey beaches and Times Square are safe.

10. Although a single drop of Red Matter will eat a planet in minutes, a six foot sphere of it takes quite a long time to eat a Romulan mining ship.

11. So long, in fact, that there's time for conversation.

12. When your enemy's spaceship is being sucked into a black hole, you really should hang around and shoot at them, just to be sure.

13. J.J. Abrams sucks. (EDIT: I already knew that.)

hahahahah wow BEST POST EVER. really. no joke. THE BEST.

egg beater and 6 foot spheres hahaha oh man im on the floor
I think its the best Star Trek film. (Just leave your logical side at home, Cap'n)
Wow Fred, I thought the show was great. Tell me something, can you enjoy any movie at all, or do you just nitpick at every little flaw in the storyline

I don't mind little flaws in the storyline.

But these are flaws that you could drive a freight train through. It's sloppy writing, which the Trek franchise has encouraged for decades.

To say something positive, the special effects were good, and there were some great explosions.

I saw this at the IMax yesterday. Here's what I learned.

1. A peaceful Romulan mining ship is ten times the size of the Enterprise, and can easily take out six Federation starships without breaking a sweat.

2. The interior of a Romulan mining ship was designed by M.C. Escher after he took several hits of LSD.

3. The interior of a Romulan mining ship has several inches of water flooding the floor, in close proximity to the control consoles and other electrical systems.

4. The interior of a Romulan mining ship is mostly one large open space.

5. A Vulcan spaceship blowing an opening in the doors leading to this large open space will not depressurize the large open space.

6. Vulcan spaceships combine the finest styling elements of the iPod and the eggbeater.

7. A single drop of "Red Matter" will eat a planet from the inside out in minutes.

8. But first, you have to drill a hole to the center of the planet. Red matter apparently cannot eat a planet from the outside in.

9. It also cannot harm hypodermic needles. So New Jersey beaches and Times Square are safe.

10. Although a single drop of Red Matter will eat a planet in minutes, a six foot sphere of it takes quite a long time to eat a Romulan mining ship.

11. So long, in fact, that there's time for conversation.

12. When your enemy's spaceship is being sucked into a black hole, you really should hang around and shoot at them, just to be sure.

13. J.J. Abrams sucks. (EDIT: I already knew that.)

14. In the future Romulan's are all bald, tatoo'd, and name after Roman's.
(I didn't think they were even Romulan until the movie told me a couple times.)

I liked the movie by the end of it, once they finally got around to fitting it in with the original canon, but it still ends up crapping all over Rodenbury's universe because they never fixed the timeline.

Good movie overall, but there's simply too much to bitch about. Impossible for there not to be, with using a new cast to play the old crew, and film makers making changes.
Im going to say it:

I didnt like the movie. It was an hour and half of steroids for an A.D.D. afflicted audience. If there was a stretch of 3 minutes without a scene that most movies would be content to use as an epic ending....I will eat my socks. And the end-scene (SPOILER ALERT!!!) with the enterprise dropping out of warp to save the Macintosh Egg-beater (haha ROFL)...I almost puked.

Is it too much to ask to SET UP a scene? To build up to something big? When you place emphasis on something crazy and actually has more effect. When you are swamped with it over and over again for a whole movie its a bit much.

Mind you I enjoyed the action....but I could watch rambo if i wanted mindless "****-blowing-up".

The last star wars they made was the same thing. They crammed 30 scenes into 40 minutes which could have and SHOULD have been the episode 1 and 2. Bloody hollywood is gearing everything towards A.D.D. afflicted audiences......and if you disagree with me....then you too have A.D.D. otherwise you would agree with me.

Star Trek was about many things. Mindless and endless violence for 90 minutes was not it. It was fun to watch....but it was a big let-down.
P.S. @ Fred:

the romulan mining ship was from the future (hundred or so years I think) thats how they PATCHED the story line to make it "acceptable".

and im sure the standing water has someting to do with their hydraulic systems haha.
Come on now, where are the largest machines on the planet used? MINES baby!! Rediculously huge mega machines are miners best friends. Open pit excavators are truly awesome things. I thought the movie was entertaining, but not very thought provoking.
Well, I grew up on Star Trek. I thought that the movie was entertaining, but one thing that the old Star Trek taught us was what when you mess up the time line, the future changes. Only in this film, the time line was changed big time, but most of the people ended up in nearly the same positions. I guess this clears the decks for future movies, but I think that it violated Star Trek logic.

Since now the young Spoc knows that this one particualar Romulins will be pisted, he can simply opt to do something different in the future, so that, that particular Romulin won't go back in time, so Vulcan will not be destroyed, so Spok's mother doesn't die and Kirk's father doesn't die, so the timeline is restored??? But wait...there is still an extra Spok around.....See...this is why you can't just mess with the timelines.

Also, what kind of organization moves a person rise from stow-away to captain in one mission? How is Kirk better qualified to be captain than Spoc (or any other more experienced officer in Star Fleet).

Dispite all of this, I still enjoyed the meeting. I may have had two much Star Trek history for my own good!!!!
if you watch every star trek series (tng, dsn, etc etc) you find it is about character development and human interaction and political (and yes martial) jockeying. the 90 minutes of "bang bang boom splash whoa bang blammo" is just....well....not star trek. other than some one liner references to the original series and characters that looked like the old ones.....its not star trek (leanord nemoy or no leanord nemoy)
Too many lens flares. Like ridiculously way too much. I loved the entertainment, though.
Is that even possible to have not seen the original? Seems like something a person would have to actively try to avoid, especially with all of the references in pop culture these days.

But I must say as a person who has primarily only seen TNG and Enterprise that I still found the movie to be a stunning piece of work. Its just the kickstart that the Star Trek franchise has been so badly needing.

Also, I know that this is going to make me sound terribly geeky, but the proper term is "trekker", not "trekkie". The trekkie term was officially phased out in the 70's.

Actually, I have not seen a single episode. I grew up without a TV, didn't get one til I moved away from home in 1996. LOL somethings just aren't good when you don't see them in the right time frame...Stars Wars falls under this category too :spank:

While the movie has a flawed storyline, I found it to be a lot of fun!! :rockon:
But I'm a scifi geek, so my opinion is a little skewed...

Romulan: I expected more out of the legendary Captain Kirk.
Romulan: You can't even speak!! (Loosing Grip)
Kirk:I've got your gun!

It was a fun movie!!
