

New Member
I just bought my 6R and I don't even know how to ride it yet! (The weather isn't exactly nice right about now)

But I've heard some people talk about the stability of 600cc bikes at highway speeds (65mph). I plan on going to work on my 6R which is a 30-45 minute interstate/highway ride and I just want to know what you guys have experienced on the highway.

Also if stability is an issue or can be improved how should I go about it? All I can think of is suspension tweaking (I don't really want to) or a larger rear wheel? (I'd rather do that if it's simpler and fixes things)
The FZ6R has stable geometry.

Non-Steep rake, long trail and the fork offset gives this characteristic.

It'll basically go straight without you touching anything, let stability work for you.
I ride 70+ on interstate to work for about 10-15 minutes. Wind buffeting is pretty bad. I'm 6' 0" and the stock windshield puts the wind on the chin part of my helmet.
I took the windshield off and it helped with buffeting if no cars were in front of me. I would like a touring windshield but can't justify the cost to myself.
If my commute was that much interstate I would def get a touring windshield.
Stability is good. Wind blast isn't bad. Overall I'm very happy with this bike (my first bike).
But I have decided my next bike will be a sport-tourer.

Enjoy your New Bike!
im not sure who you have been talking to but this bike is very stable and handles excellent. I always say that basically all you have to do is think what you want and the bike will do it. I do differ on the freeway opinion though, while you are going faster and have less time to react you can also create more space in between you and the car in front. I think 80% of motorcycle accidents happen at intersections and since there aren't any on the freeway ....

anyway welcome and be careful. Wear gear.
I have never herd of any problems with stability in general with modern 600s. The 6r does not have a steering dampener so there is a slight chance of wobble and weave occurring.

I did get a weave on my 6r once. This was after I was hit with a huge gust of wind that blew me to the shoulder of the road. I was doing 55mph at the time and the bike started to weave after the gust.

(I had to correct my post, the correct situation was weave not wobble.)
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I ride 80% of my 50 minute commute going faster than 70. Just be mindful of wind and big *** trucks. I'd read up on how to control the bike when wind hits ya. I'm 6'1" and above 80 I tuck in a little to help with the wind at my body but I've also done 120+ and never had a stability issue.
what they all said^ don't worry about this.

if I were you I would do msf of course and even then parking lot practice all your low speed turn some quick stops and take off's get to know that clutch and throttle like the back of your hand.

good idea since low speed is when its hardest to handle. Go to your local DMV on a sunday and they have the circle painted on the ground they use for the motorcycle test. If you can get around that a few times without putting your foot down that's what they test on.

well that's in CA anyway.
i never had a issue on highway or anywhere really with stability until i got a side on wind gust but then it wasn't an issue, just noticeable.

i'm amazed at everyone complaining about wind buffer, i have a XJ6N (Naked FZ6R) and hardly notice any front on wind buffer but its my first bike and never been on a bike with a windscreen..
It's wind turbulence that's the problem. The stock windscreen tends to make the air more turbulent than no windscreen at all.

I thought the FZ6R is pretty terrible in terms of stability compared to my old Seca II. Crosswinds basically toss you about. There was even once I rode down a straight highway leaning sideways slightly. At that time, weather report stated the winds were at 14 mph (which to me seems slow...)

But it's not so bad that I can't control it. It just seems rather sensitive to the winds that's all. Maybe it's the large fairings. I took the fairings off my Seca II.
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