Some So Cal Canyon Runs

Killer Banana

New Member
More videos will come as weekends pass by. Here was kind of a laid back run last weekend on the FZ6R.

[ame=]YouTube - scar 0001[/ame]
Looks like fun! Also the video quality is good. What kind of camcorder are you using?
Looks like a blast!

But a quick question. If 90 mph is laid back, what would a spirited run be? :rof:
BJ> How fast was our group going, in comparison? I can't remember... More like mid 50's? Do you remember? <lol>

Yeah that was one hell of a day. I had a lot of fun out there.
looked pretty clean, and yeah pretty fast on some of it, saw a mid corner hop around 80+, so definitely some pushing there.
BJ> How fast was our group going, in comparison? I can't remember... More like mid 50's? Do you remember? <lol>

Yeah our group was doing mid 50s but once I caught up to Thuan we were doing 60-70.

LOL after launch for that last run (spirited) I hit 110 on that straight away...:eek: once I realized how fast I was going I rolled off throttle. ;) The liter bikes said they hit 150+ :rolleyes:
at 04:52 this is where I got hit with gust wind just when I started my lean just before the apex. I was in full lean to left but drifting right lol. My foot came off the peg but I gathered myself then dipped even further. I didn't panic just steadied myself and gave it more throttle.

The weather report said 15-30mph gust winds. Which is why a lot of people were going a bit faster than usual. People said to overcome the gust wind ride faster.
i don't think i've ever gone that fast yet... :eek:

i thought alex, mike, and them were already going pretty fast until i saw banana's video... xP

Yeah our group was doing mid 50s but once I caught up to Thuan we were doing 60-70.

LOL after launch for that last run (spirited) I hit 110 on that straight away...:eek: once I realized how fast I was going I rolled off throttle. ;) The liter bikes said they hit 150+ :rolleyes:
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i think the fastest i've ever gone is like 90, which on our bike is 87??? lol
do u think banana will mind if i repost his video on scar site for the meet?
haha yeah you can post it wherever you'd like. a spirited run would be quicker in the corners, not on the straights. Anyone can go fast in a straight line lol. (not that it isn't fun in the right setting!!) On private land i've gotten my speedometer to say 137 or something.. which was 125 on my gps. That was 6th gear full throttle for probably 15 or 20 seconds trying to see what it could do. :D
Looks like fun! Also the video quality is good. What kind of camcorder are you using?

It's actually an old casio 7.2 mega pixel digital camera on video mode. I got a spiffy little camera mount that uses the gas tank screws. I wish I was able to move it up higher so you could see more road and less handlebars, but then it would get in my way.
yah, i still can't go that fast in the turns, as i get scared and slow down... azusa canyon i can prolly turn around 45 to 55, depending on the conditions and how i feel that day. GMR definitely slower...

i'm still practicing the canyons every weekend tho and hope i'll get faster eventually... :eek:
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yah, i still can't go that fast in the turns, as i get scared and slow down... :(

i'm still practicing the canyons every weekend tho and hope i'll get faster eventually...

You will get faster! Just remember, body positioning and throttle control through the corners will make a big improvement on how confident the bike sits in the turns!

On another note, I will be going up Glendora Mountain road during the day tomorrow. Just thought I'd put that out there in case anyone else decides to make the run up!
d'oh! i was going to do GMR on sunday! so, u beat me to it... :)

going to go snowboarding tomorrow.

isn't so cal weather just... awesome? :)
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