SoCAL - lake hughes ride


Monster Member
Elite Member
so far jus t3 of us that's cool but... we need to pick Saturday or sunday

well easier to keep together with just three anyway :) Honestly all the other people we have ridden with live too far and like I said haven't heard from them in a while. I can probably do either sat or sunday. I have to take my other bike in on that sat morning but just drop it off so it should not interfere.
It'd be easier for me to get sunday day off as tony knows my work is a mad house on the weekends lol. That cool with you guys?

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Riding never takes a holiday! Lets get out there and have some FZ6R "family" fun.

i actually have to goto my brothers house down in Anaheim on Easter, i could probably do Sat but couple others said no saturday. Not sure if they realized its Easter weekend though.
Yea guys I didn't realizr it was easter either will most likely be with family that morning. Saturday seems better

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Palomar mountain Saturday the 10th

Any of you guys interested? Im in San Diego so i was planning on heading out on this route and then back through Julian. Click the link below for the map
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let me know=)
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it would take us 6 or 7 hours of riding just to get there an back, never mind the actual ride itself :)

id like to get down there one day though, maybe when i have time to stay over night.
