Smoking cagers


New Member
This is something I feel like going postal on someone about.

Let me start from the beginning.

For my Birthday, I took a ride across the State and drove through the Vicksburg Military Park. On the ride out there, I had a cager flip their cigarette butt out the window and burst on my face plate. I was momentarily blinded, but I kept my head and just kept going. Nothing else I could do.

I was really annoyed at this incident, but it was no problem.

Then, this morning I was on my way to work on my bike and the cager in front of me flipped the butt of their cigarette out their window, and this time it hit me on my upper chest. Wouldn't have been an issue, if the burning embers hadn't found my exposed neck and burned me. No marks, but I sure felt that heat intensely. I'm also glad that those burning embers didn't find the part of my pony tail that was hanging outside my helmet.

I think it's bad enough having to watch out for everything on the road that we need to look out for, but to have to watch out for flying objects to and try to avoid them?

How often are you hit by these burning missiles?
One small section of my backyard fence (like 5%) butts up against an apartment complex. For some reason, they walk all the way over to this small section of fence, and enjoy flicking their fire missiles over into my yard, so I have to make sure "sh!t's not on fire, yo" and religiously keep that area raked free of any dead leaves from trees.

I throw them back over the fence, trying to land them on the hoods of cars (they are old butts by then). Hoping that local dwellers complain about smokers leaving butts on their cars.

Basically, smokers also suck because they feel free to throw their nasty trash out anywhere. They already don't care about their own long term health.
I just saw the thread where people were talking about their concealed carry guns, and then saw "smoking cagers". I cannot express fully my disappointment that this is only about cigarettes. hehe
But seriously, what is up with caged drivers?! The amount of people who are still texting whilst driving (it was finally banned here in San Angelo on April 1st... or perhaps that was just their April fools joke, not sure), is ridiculous.
Just keep a few pieces of broken spark plug ceramic on your person, they throw a butt at you, you throw ceramic at them.
But seriously, don't do that, but do watch a video of what happens if you do that. Science is fascinating.
Macklinator, thank you so much for the laugh. I really needed it.

However, I can't tell you how bad I would like to "Smoke" those cagers for doing that. But there are laws about that kind of thing.

Sadly, we have littering laws here that are there just for that that can not be enforced at all. They should be enforceable though, but they can only enforce those laws if those cigarettes actually take me down on the road and I catch the driver on camera littering.

And this State's Legislature is more concerned with enacting laws that allow for open discrimination because they are more concerned with what people are doing with each others equipment between their legs. Instead of dealing with actual issues of infrastructure and bringing in Revenue for the state.

Sorry for that side rant. But y'all get the picture.
Nismos, you're right, they shouldn't.

But, that doesn't stop them from doing it any way.

Haha, you're 100% right Fraze it could have been much worse.

I could have been hit by a burrito.

I'm not much of a fan of Will Ferrell, the only movies I really like him in was Talladega Nights and Bewitched the movie.

I have always loved Jack Black though. Ever since I first saw Tenacious D on stage.
