SICKHID.COM will never get my business after this...

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why when I type in do I get redirected to tiresplus? lol.

and by typing it in as just I can't even get the page to load right on chrome browser. Something is certainly screwed with that guys site.
I looked and I think it is Home - Sick HIDs

ahhhh, yeah that site design is pretty disgusting from a business stand point. He could have done a hell of a lot better with just a simple wordpress design, lol.

Color choices are horrible, background choice is okay but it's execution is crap. Font choice is fail as well....
It was when he said this:

And then went on to post a link to someone else's site and imply that it was his own here:

But you're right, this is off topic.

my intentions were not to imply anything....I gave an example of what my work looks like
That's actually a very well done site. Clean, simple, nice layout and aesthetically pleasing.

Your move Milton. Perhaps an apology?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

no apology needed yet, actually wouldn't matter to me if he did give one, BUT, when my website is live ill be sure to post it up. Im rather proud of how clean my work is, and given the example I gave, my work emulates the same look and simplicity.
CC, I didn't forget about you, but with the baby, I have been just a little busy. I got a hold of TRS, and inquired about special ordering the XB angel eyes in different colors, and they are able to do it. It could just take weeks to get instead of them having it sitting on their shelf. So if you could be patient, I would be able to get them for the same cost as the white or amber XB angel eyes. Let me know what you want to do, I would certainly not be like that guy.

fzwhite im actually thinking off doing that mod if you could pm me with the basic cost i doubt i could afford anything to fancy. Im also trying to find a head light u i could send you since i ride my bike everyday :D
You asked the guy the question, he didn't answer your question. Instead of sending back a smart ass question like you did. I would have found me someplace elsewhere to do my business. Abra Cadabra! Problem solved.
You asked the guy the question, he didn't answer your question. Instead of sending back a smart ass question like you did. I would have found me someplace elsewhere to do my business. Abra Cadabra! Problem solved.

Instead I chose to respond. Maybe he would catch the drift and answer my question.
my intentions were not to imply anything....I gave an example of what my work looks like

Milton asks what sites you have done and you post someone else's site as an example?! This is so intellectually dishonest I don't even know what to say!

And then you seemed somewhat incredulous when called on it, as if someone else was being dishonest and putting words in your mouth or something.

It may not have been your intention to imply that site was yours, but that is certainly how it came across. And for someone that owns a web design and marketing company, you may want to be more careful about things like that in the future as you will certainly face legal issues and loss of business. You would have lost mine in an instant, which is ironic since the whole thread was started about why lost yours.
Milton asks what sites you have done and you post someone else's site as an example?! This is so intellectually dishonest I don't even know what to say!

And then you seemed somewhat incredulous when called on it, as if someone else was being dishonest and putting words in your mouth or something.

It may not have been your intention to imply that site was yours, but that is certainly how it came across. And for someone that owns a web design and marketing company, you may want to be more careful about things like that in the future as you will certainly face legal issues and loss of business. You would have lost mine in an instant, which is ironic since the whole thread was started about why lost yours.

Wasnt my intentions what so ever.....but judge how you may I guess. Sorry you felt that way.
idk why I feel I have anything to prove to you guys who keep trying to discredit me but ill more than happily upload the contracts I have signed by each company that hired me for design work? I flat out told ya I don't have anything live currently....should I have said it initially in the very first post I put a link and explained better, sure...and I apologize for that. Was past 1am in the morning and didn't take the time to explain better.
idk why I feel I have anything to prove to you guys who keep trying to discredit me but ill more than happily upload the contracts I have signed by each company that hired me for design work? I flat out told ya I don't have anything live currently....should I have said it initially in the very first post I put a link and explained better, sure...and I apologize for that. Was past 1am in the morning and didn't take the time to explain better.

my website is much better than yours, have a look!
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Milton asks what sites you have done and you post someone else's site as an example?! This is so intellectually dishonest I don't even know what to say!

And then you seemed somewhat incredulous when called on it, as if someone else was being dishonest and putting words in your mouth or something.

It may not have been your intention to imply that site was yours, but that is certainly how it came across. And for someone that owns a web design and marketing company, you may want to be more careful about things like that in the future as you will certainly face legal issues and loss of business. You would have lost mine in an instant, which is ironic since the whole thread was started about why lost yours.

If you feel that he is in the wrong oh well it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I would love to hear how everyone in here has never been fed up with someone or their experience with a company. Take his post as it may but there is no reason for people to be bashing or judging people on this forum. I may not be a admin but i like how this forum is "family like" supportive and always willing to lend a hand. I for one get where he was coming from he was obviously very frustrated trying to deal with or find a company that can do what he would like for his bike. I feel like this has turned into a childish battle attacking crazy for y'alls interpretation of what he mean't and said. Maybe he could of worded it better and not been defensive but if people where coming at me with what i do for a living and discrediting me i would be defensive as well. Leave it be crazy has nothing to prove to this forum or to any of its members he has been more then supportive here helping its members. If you don't like the post then move on to something else.


Just by you saying "Here is an example...." that says (in my opinion) here is an example of my work.....

Okay, I do web design and graphic designs. I will not say I am pro, But I will show my own work not someone elses.

So if I am going to show proof of a site/work I have done... I show mine!!!!


Proof its mine (have a shot of my design files as well as photoshop where i designed it):

See when im done I would post the link to it. But due to me currently coding the site to fit the WordPress CMS, I can just show Screen Shots.... (NOT LINK TO SOMEONE ELSES WORK THAT THEY WORKED LONG HARD HOURS ON!!!!)

psh... kids now a days trying to get attention.

Sorry mods for my little rant....
If you feel that he is in the wrong oh well it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I would love to hear how everyone in here has never been fed up with someone or their experience with a company. Take his post as it may but there is no reason for people to be bashing or judging people on this forum. I may not be a admin but i like how this forum is "family like" supportive and always willing to lend a hand. I for one get where he was coming from he was obviously very frustrated trying to deal with or find a company that can do what he would like for his bike. I feel like this has turned into a childish battle attacking crazy for y'alls interpretation of what he mean't and said. Maybe he could of worded it better and not been defensive but if people where coming at me with what i do for a living and discrediting me i would be defensive as well. Leave it be crazy has nothing to prove to this forum or to any of its members he has been more then supportive here helping its members. If you don't like the post then move on to something else.


The ranting about him showing other peoples work does fit in with this topic. In his original post he talked about customer service/experience and then he tries to claim other peoples stuff after he says he owns a web design/development company. That in it self (in my opinion once again) is poor customer service. :D


What ever....this is rediculous. keep pushing this way out of proportion and completely off topic.
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