Scavenger Hunt #1


New Member
For the month of September 2009

We need to kick this scavenger hunt thing off, we will start simple and small.

All you need to do is post the following pics and the first to post them all is the winner, and at the end of the month if no one has won, the member with the most is the winner. The prize to the winner, bragging rights and gets to make the next months scavenger hunt :)

1) You bike next to a water tower (or water reservoir)
2) You bike with a local monument in the background
3) Your bikes odometer with all the same number (eg. 3333 miles)
4) Action photo of you on your bike
5) Artistic photo of your bike (close ups, photoshops, whatever you choose, just not a typical picture)

Bonus point: Who ever posts a picture of their dirtiest bike (FZ6R's only)

Also you are alowed to combine pictures, except if you local monument is water tower find somthign else for a local monument haha! But if you have an action photo next to a water tower that works....

Post pics as you get them, then just modify your post to add to them...
For the month of September 2009

We need to kick this scavenger hunt thing off, we will start simple and small.

All you need to do is post the following pics and the first to post them all is the winner, and at the end of the month if no one has won, the member with the most is the winner. The prize to the winner, bragging rights and gets to make the next months scavenger hunt :)

1) You bike next to a water tower (or water reservoir)
2) You bike with a local monument in the background
3) Your bikes odometer with all the same number (eg. 3333 miles)
4) Action photo of you on your bike
5) Artistic photo of your bike (close ups, photoshops, whatever you choose, just not a typical picture)

Bonus point: Who ever posts a picture of their dirtiest bike (FZ6R's only)

Also you are alowed to combine pictures, except if you local monument is water tower find somthign else for a local monument haha! But if you have an action photo next to a water tower that works....

Post pics as you get them, then just modify your post to add to them...

Sounds like fun! But how many of these pics do you already have?

I actually have zero of the pics I posted.. I thought of the pics I had then thought of something different haha..
if we did start it back up, i think i could come up woth some pretty unique pictures for the first one. ;)

i actually have one of my bike from the top of a tower as well.

I'm screwed on #3... that'd be 33333 miles for me.... hmmm maybe by next May :rof:

Yeah, the mileage one is tough, especially once you get above 10k miles. :cool:
