Remember that thing we keep saying.....


about proper body position, throttle control, and reactive instincts? here is a video that demonstrates all those things with what NOT to do in a turn.

NOTE: This isnt to bash the rider in the video, thank him for this video learning experience.

[ame=""]r1crash on muholland[/ame]
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I'm a noted bench racer, and have an official pass to be allowed to babble about how excellent I am at riding on the internet and to analyse other riders : the jerky throttle going on and off would definitely be causing pitching forces mid-corner. Plus the famous mid-corner rough patch there.

I read some psycho-babble somewhere about men taking more risks when in front of a camera or a pretty lady as well.

At least he didn't end up flipping his bike half way up that dirt bank.
no he didnt, but some other bloke did on an R6 about a year ago or so.
That makes no sense what he was doing there???
It looked like his 2nd run through was nice & smooth but the others WTF

I cant stand being in a car when the driver pulses the throttle like that, but on a bike? Imagine how uncomfortable that would be, being pitched back and forth like that.
Oh well it is cause of these silly riding skills bargain bikes to track or flip can be found.

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
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I hang inside the bike in turns where I'm not going fast enough to need it. I don't hang waaaay off and I don't lean the bike any more than I have to, but I try to repeat the same setup and body positioning no matter what speed I am going to build muscle memory. I want my body positioning to be automatic. As far as leaning too far back, hanging too far in, and leaning too far over, though, well, that obviously doesn't do any good at all.
Just tossing this out here... That's a strange crash. He obviously goosed it a bit, just before he lost traction.

But really not that much. He was on and off the throttle through the whole turn. Why did he break traction there? I understand throttle control. I bought the dvd, too. I also live by it. But...

He wasn't even going fast for that turn. At 0.55 you can see where he's trying to be all MotoGP, but in fact he's got the bike leaned at an awkward angle, his ***-end is off the side, all his weight is to the rear, and even though he's dragging a puck, his front end is high. Look at the angle of his front wheel. He's pushing really hard into that corner, due to his weight distribution. He's lucky he didn't go over the top.

He's totally throwing off the bike's balance on the thin strip of tire he was using.

I'm saying that if his body was more laid forward on the tank, dropping his center of gravity and distributing his weight between the tires and over the motor, he might have made that turn, regardless of his poor throttle control.

At the speed he was going, there was no reason to hang-*** anyway. That just made things worse, and pushed his whole center of gravity waaay off to the side, to the point he lost traction.

Form, ladies and gentleman. Proper form might have avoided this down.
Proper form wouldn't have saved that crash, 100% down to throttle control.

I agree his positioning wasn't the best, the amount he's lent the bike over is wrong, but not in the way you're suggesting.

He didn't need to lean forwards. He needed to hang off if that's what his aim was...

Look carefully, if the bike is lower than him. how is he hanging off?

Instead look at how upright he is, the bike needs to be at less of a lean, he needs to be further over...

Correct hang is right but cheek on the left side of the seat... he's riding that thing like a dirt bike.


form would have helped with traction, but his throttle control still would have did him in sooner or later
i cant see it because im at work but i can tell you that about every weekend you see someone going down on that corner, because the corner is so tuff? No. I have ridden it about 100 times. But because as mentioned above people will do stupid stuff in front of a camera or a hot chick, and if its a hot chick WITH a camera its all over :)
While I agree that some guys tend to push too hard when there's a photog around, I don't like when people blame the photogs for causing the crashes. As you guys know, we have quite a few photogs here in town on particular roads. There have been arguments and people who've tried to get them to stop going out there and taking pics saying they're causing crashes. I don't agree with that at all. I don't ride those roads any differently when there are photogs out there. For those who do, they're the ones to blame for riding above their skill level, not the photographer.

I totally agree, blaming the photog or the hot chick in a bikini is lame. Seems like today everyone has to blame someone else for their mistakes instead of owning up to them. If you crash because you pushed it to hard that is no ones fault but your own. I dont ride those roads any different either, i might make sure im wearing my nicer jacket for the picture if i know im going by there but thats about it :)
Also agreed, if you can't do things when no one is looking... Dont do them at all.
