Reasons to wear gear


New Member
Old thread.. but I just got myself some armored pants and boots. I always wear helmet, jacket, and gloves..

Just wondering if you all wear ALL the gear just out on the street.. maybe commuting to work?

I wear jeans and boots (not motorcycle boots) now but I'm thinking of wearing everything. Yeah people might think I'm a little paranoid or weird or "wanna be racer" for wearing all that.. but can't be too safe?

I am bad commuting to work. Have the helmet, leather jacket, and good gloves ...but just Dockers and casual shoes. My commute in is about 7 miles and I purposely come through town so my speeds are lower (30-40), though I do get up to speed in the final 2 miles. Still it's not going to be pleasant if I go down.

Any other time I'm covered, weak point being jeans.


Well-Known Member
Old thread.. but I just got myself some armored pants and boots. I always wear helmet, jacket, and gloves..

Just wondering if you all wear ALL the gear just out on the street.. maybe commuting to work?

I wear jeans and boots (not motorcycle boots) now but I'm thinking of wearing everything. Yeah people might think I'm a little paranoid or weird or "wanna be racer" for wearing all that.. but can't be too safe?

ATGATT means exactly that, just like seatbelts everytime!
Accidents are unexpected events & as a rider you have to expect others to not notice you.

In saying that my commute is less than a mile (1.2km) if I go the direct route and I always wear my full kit -armoured leather jacket & pants, gloves, boots, helmet just to be sure.

Funnily enough it takes me longer to put my gear on/ off at each end than it does for the traffic commute


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New Member
Thanks for the input.. I'm thinking of just wearing everything.

Funnily enough it takes me longer to put my gear on/ off at each end than it does for the traffic commute



New Member
I have been out maybe two or three times without my jacket because I had to ride and it was 100 out. I knew the risk I was taking and didn't like it. Otherwise I always wear my jacket and boots and gloves. I don't wear pants or a full suit just jeans. I want to be able to walk around when I get where im going and honestly don't want to be confused with those guys doing 100 down the freeway :eek:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input.. I'm thinking of just wearing everything.


I sometimes imagine I am a Power Ranger or some sort of Storm Trooper with all my shit on:D


I'm movin on
Elite Member


New Member
I'm bad about pants, I wear my work pants to work slacks/khakis. I do wear my helmet, gloves, jacket and riding boots everytime though.

Same here. I normally have on khakis/jeans. Jeans might last a second or two longer than the khakis, but I know in any real slide my legs are probably going to get a little beat up. Anyone able to recommend some decent riding pants that don't cost $200+?


New Member
Same here. I normally have on khakis/jeans. Jeans might last a second or two longer than the khakis, but I know in any real slide my legs are probably going to get a little beat up. Anyone able to recommend some decent riding pants that don't cost $200+?

I wear a pair of AGV sport telluride pants (around $130 on revzilla i think) over my jeans I wear for work and whenever I ride to school. They have good knee and decent hip protection, and removable quilted and waterproof liners. Before those I wore dainese yamatos which were better than nothing. After wearing them for a while I feel naked in just jeans and won't ride without them. Sure it takes an extra minute to put on and take off but the protection is worth the wait.


I'm movin on
Elite Member
These seem promising.. Anyone have em'?

I have the drayko riding jeans. They have a kevlar and dyneema blend which is suspossed to be superior to kevlar alone. I spend a long time looking between the various jeans and I went with them. I love them. But at the end of the day, they are ment for casual rides. Hard riding, get leather or equiv.


New Member
Being a Rider Following are the few reasons to wearing a protective gear.

A quality motorcycle gear with good protection increased my confidence during ride. I know i can be down anywhere at any time. Back, elbow and shoulder armored with the front foam padding ensures me that i am much safer now with my ride.
Summing up it in simple line

"Always prepare for safe motorcycle riding"


Well-Known Member
I want to stress to you guys how important gear is. I very recently lost a friend to a motorcycle accident that would have likely lived had she had more than just a helmet on.

A beautiful woman that should still be around today died just this last week after a simple mistake late at night. I wasn't there but a few friends were and they had to watch her die as their was nothing they could do to keep her alive.

I don't know that gear would have helped to keep her alive that night but it sure as hell would have increased her odds.

Just put the ****ing gear on people....


New Member
Sorry to hear about your loss Bone. A good friend of mine passed away last Thursday on a motorcycle as well. He passed from internal injuries after he slammed into the median on the highway on a right hand corner. He was going pretty fast and I'm not sure if anything other than the helmet he was wearing would have helped, but I don't take my chances and am always in gear from head to toe. I have a pair of Draggin Jeans that look like normal blue jeans but are amazing (tons of customer stories on their website).


Lots of good and solemn advice in here. Easy to take wearing gear and your safety for granted. I see people with only a helmet in a lot, and many times not even a full face helmet. What we don't see are a lot of the scars and losses.

As a new rider another reason for me to wear proper gear at all times is so I can focus on what's going on around me and fine tuning skills. One less thing to be preoccupied with. We have enough to think about in addition to anticipating what others on the road might do. I see wearing gear on my bike the same as putting on my seat belt in the car, a must do.
