Rainbow Six Vegas 2



I picked this game up on Friday and my 11 year old son and I finished it off together today. Of course, we completed it on the easy level but there is a lot of game play left. "Realistic" should be exceptionally hard.

Yes, I realise that the swearing and violence might be a bad influence on him, but he really likes to play these games with me. It is a way for him to play games like this and I can explain to him about the realism and real-life outcomes of the men and woment that do this for a living (not gaming, fighting).

Any one else played this game? We are also big fans of the other Clancy games (Ghost Recon, etc.).
problem im finding with the games at the moment is to quick to finish, army of two and frontline i finished in 1 day on medium. When 100 dollars each should get more play than that.

I agree. When I can finish a game in 2-3 days, it is too easy. I think most games for the 360 are being written for the online experience more than the singular, standalone experience. Too bad I have to stay away from the online gaming thing. I have a slightly addictive personality when it comes to the 'Net and my wife does not approve. Hehe.

I keep telling her that if she would play with me we could experience some real, quality time running from room-to-room killing bad guys in a virtual world. She doesn't buy it though.
