Racer Gloves USA


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So as many of you know, I've been on a 4 year quest to find the perfect fitting pair of gloves. I have, what I've been told multiple times now, the hardest hand type there is to fit in a motorcycle glove. A very wide, thick palm, with thick short fingers. And especially the outside area of the palm below the pinky finger. That's really thick on my hands. So I always end up either buying gloves that are too snug and hoping they break in a stretch out, or buying gloves that are too big but comfortable. Neither situation is good. The tight gloves never stretch and break in as much as they should and I always end up with sore hands, specifically the outside area and the pinky finger. Just flat out painful. Or I have gloves that are just too loose in the fingers and flap around the ends of my fingers, sometimes even getting in the way slightly while riding. But they fit the palms of my hands and don't hurt. I've used Teknic, Alpinestars, RS Taichi, Knox Handroids, Held, Dianese, you name it. All of them have had some kind of major compromise. Either they don't have the protection I'm looking for and fit really well, or they have the protection, but they don't fit properly. The Handroids have been the closest, but they're tight enough still after over a year of riding with them that after 120 miles, my hands are done. The latest Taichi one's I've been using for the last few months are comfortable in an XL, but they're so baggy in the finger tips that I've had them catch on my brake lever and fold under. I don't have very good feel through the fingers with them squirming around on my finger tips.

So at the Long Beach IMS show a couple of weeks ago, I see a booth for a company called Racer Gloves USA. All they do is gloves. Period. And they have a huge selection sitting there on their table. Not just one type of full gauntlet race style glove. But 3 different ones. I tried on their R-Safe glove which was their most expensive, highest end glove. Same fit issue if not worse than most. I love my Alpinestars stuff, but their gloves are like torture devices to me. And these were worse. Trying to close my hand with an XL on was sheer pain. As I'm about to walk away the guy working the booth asked me if I always had issues with gloves fitting. I told him I did and what the issues usually were. So he pulls out a pair of their High Racer Gloves in a size large. I was pretty skeptical but putting them on, I was amazed. These things fit better right out the package than any other high end glove I've ever tried on. A slight amount of tightness on the tops of the hand from the leather being brand new, but nothing that won't break in. None of the super tight, pinching and squeezing that I get with other gloves. They told me they designed this glove specifically for my shaped hand because no other company out there really had a glove made like that. I was sold. He didn't have my size in the white that I wanted so I ordered them. They just came in a week ago. I haven't been able to ride with them yet so I'll add to this when I get a chance to. But I'm impressed. This is actually their lowest level "Race Glove" but it has all the protection you need. i.e. knuckle sliders, Knox SPS in the palms, gauntlet sliders, Kangaroo skin palms, etc... Just a very well made, glove. Not exactly cheap, but you really do get what you pay for with gloves.

I'll update this thread once I've had a chance to ride in these. But anyone looking for a different option for gloves other than the usual suspects, might what to check out their site. And they don't just do race gloves. They have the sport gloves, winter gloves, womens, etc...



You can see here that being race glove, they do have quite a bit of pre curve built into them. Some people like that (I do) but I know some don't. But again, they have a lot of sport gloves that don't really have that built into them. So you have options.

I'm on the same boat. fat hand with short fingers. xl is tight at palm, xxl I have extra room on the tip of my fingers that drives me nuts, and on my left hand the skin between the F*** you finger and the next one (not the index) is slightly higher than normal.

I'm on my 4th pair of gloves and couldn't find one that fits fine.
Those look really nice. Only 2 colors tho.

Have u guys tried Spidi? The Carbo Track and Carbo-3's fit pretty nicely imo. Much better fit than the Handroids. Spidi is doing custom suits now too.
I had never heard of racer gloves until STG was advertising them last month. Good to see a hands on (no pun intended, ok maybe a little) review.

You can get custom fit held gloves for a little extra money. But you don't get to try them on first, which I know is important to a lot of riders.
Spidi had a both at the LBIMS. And a hot model there too. I tried on the Carbo Tracks there. Like them much better than my 3's. I guess ill upgrade later on.

The funny thing is I've been wearing the Handroids and Carbo 3's for over 3 seasons already. And they are still in good shape. At this rate, they will last a long time.

