prayers please

Sending positive thoughts and prayers.... thanks for keeping updated CC.
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Thanks everyone it means alot. I know you guys are amazing for caring so much even though you don't even know him. Another reminder of how amazing this place is

I am here:
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk

Well CC the way I see it we don't have to know him personally it's that unspoken bond between riders, and even more so when it is "a friend of a friend". Take bud and hope he is back in the saddle again soon!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
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it always hurts to hear a fellow rider go down- esp a friend of a friend :(

thoughts and prayers to a speedy recovery for him with minimal complications...
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Quick Update
Mike is headed down now to get his follow up CT scan, now that he is rested.The swelling in his face looks as if it has gone down, and is looking more normal. Not much news yet this morning, but his doctor today had a big smile on her face and said he was doing great! Thank you all for your prayers and support, I know it is helping everyone, especially Mike
Another update just now
We talked to the doctor and his brain is good! She also stated the lungs are doing better than expected from the broken ribs which is also great news!!! They are focusing on the kidneys now to watch for any changes. But they are still functioning, but doing a bit of extra work due to the muscle bruising. There is a sense of relief for all of us from the good news from the doctors. He is still not out of the woods but good news brings more hope! We will keep updating with the news we receive from his great nurses and doctors. Once he gets better we want to print these out and read them to Mike so he knows what went on and just how much he is loved! Thanks again to everyone for the prayers and the support they mean a lot!
CC, thanks for keeping everyone posted. Good vibes to Mike all day and night, and while I'm not a big fan of group rides Thanks to his buds for giving him the best chance of a full recovery..., and another ride!
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If they wouldn't have been their he wouldn't likely be alive.
Any update CC?

most current update I have is

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:26 AM, CDT

from Lauren Rickert

Nothing new going on with Mike last night. They have the new sleeping/pain meds just right so he gets more rest. He still had a temp of 101, but once the antibiotics kick in that should start to go down. His heart rate is more normal, 84 BPM instead of the 133 BPM that it was on Saturday. They are still waiting for the blood cultures to show results to find the source and type of infection. Hopefully we will know more today!
most current update I have is

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:26 AM, CDT

from Lauren Rickert

Nothing new going on with Mike last night. They have the new sleeping/pain meds just right so he gets more rest. He still had a temp of 101, but once the antibiotics kick in that should start to go down. His heart rate is more normal, 84 BPM instead of the 133 BPM that it was on Saturday. They are still waiting for the blood cultures to show results to find the source and type of infection. Hopefully we will know more today!

Sounds like he's on a good road for recovery. Keep us updated.
written by Lauren Rickert
Good news to report!

Mike started walking without a walker yesterday and once his stomach is in good working order he will be moving to the rehab floor. Mike is working hard with the hospital staff to recover and work his way toward home! Mike just learned of his Caring Bridge site recently and is now reading all the posts. He is deeply touched by all the outpouring of love, encouragement and prayers!
Ohh boy ... I will pray for him ...

My recent accident and reading these stuff, which I usually do not, makes me think twice about riding again.

Hope he recovers soon!
Sending prayers

he made full recovery and is back to work in a week or 2
