prayers please


New Member
one of the guys I ride with went on a big group ride yesterday. I wasnt able to make the ride we were home shopping.


we were on a wide shallow sweeping left turn and he drifted to the right and probably hit the curb, flipped the bike and landed on the grass area, looked hurt pretty bad.

He is currently in ICU...His name is Mike AKA Khaos.

he has the black and gold r6 in the right of the picture(5th one from the left)

Please keep him in your prayers.
Sending him some love from Dallas!
Sorry CC. I will pray brother. May God be with him and give him the strength to continue the fight. I will put him on my prayer chain at church! What is impossible with man is not impossible with GOD!
Sorry to hear. Prayers on the way. Hope he makes a full recovery.
That sucks, brudda. :( Best of wishes and thoughts from the Valley of the Sun...
I know none of you know him...but just a quick update:

from caring bridge

Sunday, April 1, 2012 10:01 PM, CDT

Mike was in a serious motorcycle accident this morning (April 1st). He arrived at Regions and had surgery due to internal bleeding. The doctors removed his spleen and found that his kidneys were also damaged.

Further x-rays indicated that he has some bleeding in his brain, but is minor and is not an immediate concern. Mike has several broken ribs on his left side and those will swell within the next 24 hours and will stress his lungs. The doctors are anticipating this and so he is on a ventilator. However, he has been doing much of the work breathing so that is good news.

There are things that went very right today. Mike only has a fractured wrist and otherwise no other broken bones. His spinal cord and vertebrae are all in good shape. Mike had immediate help from the riders that were with him, he had his helmet on and a protective riding jacket - all of which saved his life.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

Sunday, April 1, 2012 10:12 PM, CDT

Mike's kidneys have sustained serious damage. The doctors discovered this during surgery this morning, but try not to touch them unless they absolutely know what is wrong.

After Mike recovered from surgery enough to move him, the doctors took x-rays of his kidneys which showed them which vessels were bleeding. Then they inserted coils into the vessels that would stop the bleeding. Initial reports were that this procedure was successful.

However, a few hours ago, the doctors said that he is still bleeding. They need to do another surgery to identify where the bleeding is coming from. The doctors believe that his left kidney is severely damaged and is likely where the bleeding is coming from. The right kidney has sustained damage, but early indications are that it will heal and recover.

Depending on the severity of the bleeding and damage to the left kidney, the doctors may remove it. If that is the case and the right kidney is in decent shape, Mike will eventually be just fine with one kidney.

Mike is in surgery now (10:21pm CDT) and we will update this site as soon as we have news.

We appreciate all your prayers and support. Mike is not "out of the woods", but his good health and youth are working in his favor.

Monday, April 2, 2012 12:03 AM, CDT
Surgery #2

Mike's second surgery is finished. The surgeon said that the bleeding that prompted the surgery is, as best they can tell, due to clotted blood leaking from behind his left kidney (the kidney that sustained the most serious injury). At this time, there is still a chance for the left kidney to recover and may not need to be removed. The fact that they didn't need to remove it tonight leaves some room for hope that it will heal. The "coiling" which are coils inserted into the veins to stop the bleeding in both kidneys is working very well.

Tomorrow, Mike will go back to internal radiology and they will take another look at the kidneys to monitor any new/additional bleeding.

Currently, Mike is having a CT scan on his brain to get the status of that injury. We are waiting to hear the results of the scan.

Mike is still very, very ill. He is in critical condition and will likely be in the ICU for a few weeks at least. Mike is sedated and will stay sedated for the next several days as they monitor him.

The care he has received here at Regions is excellent and we are grateful for the surgeons, doctors and nurses.


Monday, April 2, 2012 12:48 AM, CDT
CT Scan Result

Mike's CT scan came back and there is a little bit more bleeding, but basically no change. They will continue to monitor the injury.

Mike is now back in the SICU and we will update further as his condition improves.

Thank you for visiting Mike's site, your prayers and support!


Monday, April 2, 2012 9:34 AM, CDT

Good morning! Mike's condition is still critical, however, he is stabilizing. He has not needed any further blood transfusions and the internal bleeding has significantly lessened. His blood pressure has been good as well.

Mike is sedated so he doesn't fight the ventilator, but they bring him around to do some basic neuroligical tests. He has been responsive, follows instructions given to him and responds to people talking to him. All very good signs that the brain injury is indeed minor.

The biggest concern today are Mike's kidneys and lungs. Due to his broken ribs on his left side, his lungs were impacted. And, just like any other broken bone, there will be swelling. This is expected and the doctors are prepared for this. Mike is on the ventilator to minimize the stress on his lungs.

For Mike's kidneys, they will do another x-ray to see if there is more bleeding and go from there.

The most important thing for Mike today is to rest! He looks GREAT and we are praying for some time to heal today.
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You got a few more prayers from me for your friend CC. hope he makes a full and speedy recovery!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Thanks everyone it means alot. I know you guys are amazing for caring so much even though you don't even know him. Another reminder of how amazing this place is

I am here:
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk

:( hope he makes it out ok!

I'll add this to group rides - while it seems "the more the marrier" - i swear every time we have over 6-8 there seems to be issues. i recall on a big mountain run we must've had at least 15 bikes, and not 1 but 2 came back on trailers :(

keep the size to under double digits, once you get too many it's usually more hassle to keep everyone happy and under control
