pls recommend winter gear


Monster Member
Elite Member
JT, I was considering the same thing earlier this year and thought the 1 piece over suit (Tornado suits) was the way to go.

I have only tried 1 type on and the thing that turned me off of them was considering attempting to get the suit on/ off on the side of the road over the top of leathers!

In the change room with full leathers on it was soo hard to get on:eek:
Attempting to get them off -MF! I thought I was going to get trapped in that thing!:mad:
Without the seat in the change room there is no way I would have got that suit off!:facepalm:

So I ended up settling for Motodry 2 piece rain suit, no sure as to how long it will last but it doesnt rain that much here either:don'tknow:
It gets cold enough to snow here and on those days I have this suit from First Gear. It works great, w just t-shirt and jeans under and still stay warm. *It needs armor added in separately.* It is kinda bulky, I think it would double as a good snowmobile suit...

Firstgear Thermo One-Piece Suit - Street Motorcycle - Motorcycle Superstore
Dude wtf, you live in cali.

LMAO, you guys have to understand that even though it doesn't techincally get cold here, to us below 60 is freezing :)
I have a thick pair of winter gloves, a heavy leather jacket with armor (in my pict) that has a liner as well. really a neck warmer is the only other thing you need. Maybe some kind of windbreaker pants to go over my jeans cause sometimes the wind can get cold. But its not like we are going to see anything below 50. In fact I might look for some. I hate this site, gives me too many ideas and costs me toooo much money :D
I have that motocentric rain suit, it lets no air through, if air does get in it puffs up like a balloon!! I'd get a 2 piece if I ever get a new one!

Freeze out gear works great for me from 50 to 30 degrees, lower than that, I use my snow suit!
well my part of cali Kern county gets to be under 30 id winter time we get snow in the mountains all around us im a wus to the cold so under 50 deg.F at 90MPH for 20 min on the freeway yea I feel it considering a few months prior it was 112 deg.F

I would still wear my leather jacket with padding underneath this is an attempt at blocking all the cold air out my leather jacket is okay but still feel the breath also in thru my pants ect.

I had a really good rain / wind breaker that came with my summer jacket and it was amazing but unfortunately I have misplaced it so I will look into your recomendations

you get snow? Bakersfield is like hot hot, I didn't realize it got snow. Ever ride up to isabella? any water left in it? if you come across a cheap pair of pants just for wind let me know :)
