Please post about your mishaps here

When I first started riding I made the mistake of going too fast in the rain. Lost control of the rear tire but I was able to save it by letting off the throttle and gently using the front brake and made it home safe.
Then a few months ago I was riding to work around 4am and a rabbit ran out in front of me, and before I could even think about doing anything I hit it with both tires. I thought for sure something bad was about to happen but I just braced for it and didn't even suffer a wobble. So far thats been the worst thats happened.
It seems that a lot of people had mishaps when they first got their bike, and i am no different...

It was last April in northern pa, a cold and rainy day. I traded a sport quad for it at a yamaha dealership about 2 hours from where i live, so I had to trailor it because of the trade. When I was unloading my brand new fz6r with 0.0 miles on it, my foot slipped on the wet metal ramp and my bike went down. My handlebar left a nice little dent in the tank, a couple pieces of plastic got scratched, and the clutch lever broke. Well I thought i was mad but when I was picking the bike up, my foot slipped again on that same wet metal ramp and the bike dropped to the right side, leaving me pissed. It left a nice little hole next to the mirror mount. Well I finally got the bike where I keep it, went straight upstairs and cried myself to sleep. The next morning the first thing i did was throw those shoes away, then cried some more lol.
April 28th, A Saturday.
Me and my family go to a dealer at about 11 A.M. and Yamaha/V-star are there with a demo trailer. This is the first time they have ever been in Alabama and they pick the dealer near me :D. My heart is already dead set on a FZ6R. We go into the dealer and talk over some things. His price is about $7980 for a brand new FZ6R(Black with bits of red). We work him down to $7700 and make the deal happen.(Since Yamaha was there he really wanted the sale so it would make them look good so we got a pretty good deal).

I drive the bike home and go the long way. It's too late to really ride so I don't stay out too long. I get a fortune cookie that night that says I will get something I have always wanted(FZ6R! What are the odds of me getting that fortune?).

The next morning I wake up early and me and my father go on a ride. We make it about an hour from my house. I opened up my face shield for a few minutes to get some air. After moving my hand from my face a big bee flies right under my right eye and stings me(this happens instantly I never really saw the bee coming). I knew instantly what happened and remove the stinger while still traveling.

We make it to our stopping point and I ask my dad if there is anything wrong with my face. He says there is a half dollar sized spot on my face. So we begin our journey home the faster way and make it back in less than 30 minutes. I treat my sting with all the correct things you should and blah blah blah. I take it easy and stop riding for the rest of the day.

I wake up on Sunday morning and the right side of my face has blown up like a balloon. my right eye is almost swollen shut. It's now Tuesday and it is still swollen.. There is nothing other than time that can make the swelling go down. It's kinda depressing..

The day after I get my bike I get stung and the next few days I can't ride it. I'm not a happy camper :(

Moral of the story...
Keep your damn face shield closed...

Or invest in a bug net? haha
we desire pictures of the bike..and stinger damage lol

welcome to the family :)
Thanks for the welcome. I do have a picture of the bike right here:

As for the swollen face and stinger spot...
I didn't even think about taking a picture till it was too late :/ and the spot where the bee got me isn't visible.
I always seem to think about taking a picture of something like that too late. What's the point of having a smart phone with a camera when you forget about it.

Anyways, thanks again for the welcome!
First day with the bike, only 10 min with it off the trailer from the dealer my father is sitting on the bike and he goes to step off and ask's if ive got it? We didn't have the kickstand down and I went to swing my leg over....then it dropped, broke a mirror and popped a turn signal out. Fun times
Does this count as an accident? :D ...

It was with my 2nd Ninja (and 2nd bike) . I honestly never dropped or crashed my 1st bike. But I forgot to put the stand on my 2nd Ninja 250cc. I went down in a really stupid way. Lucky for me, nothing had broken or scratched, and it was so light that I put it up myself, hahahaha...

Always check your side stand BEFORE leaving your bike and walk away ..
First day with the bike, only 10 min with it off the trailer from the dealer my father is sitting on the bike and he goes to step off and ask's if ive got it? We didn't have the kickstand down and I went to swing my leg over....then it dropped, broke a mirror and popped a turn signal out. Fun times


did not see yours, hahaha, same thing happened to me!
This one was a few days ago, my new Street Triple, after I sold my fz6r.

I was going home after checking my mail. I was aproaching to a traffic light, I was on a 4 lanes street. All of the sudden, from my right, a car pull out on front of me. Later I found it was a girl; she did not look left or right before taking the main street (the one I was driving on) so I had no other choice but embrace for impact.

Going left was not an alternative, because oncoming traffic or the chance of taking the impact on my right leg instead.

Going right was not an alternative, saw several cars there, had no space.

So I applied brakes, trying to reduce speed even more (was going like 10 to 20mph, maybe) but I hit the car anyway, front and left side. The impact threw me over the air, I rotated 180 degrees in the middle of the air and my back was now facing down. Then my back hit the pavement, my hands and the back of my head. I continue sliding a few feet while my gloves disintegrate themselves because friction. The rest of history ... ambulance... a cop on the scene came to me and asked a few questions ... paramedics ...


I do not think there was a way to avoid my accident and of course, was not my fault, but proper gear minimize injuries and saved my life.
The second week of ownership I felt confident enough to ride with a good friend, who was riding his 07' R1, on the interstate to downtown Memphis, TN onto Riverfront Dr. the interstate was a smooth, fun riding experience for a noob like myself! Upon riding into downtown at the first stop light a cager in front of my buddy who had a green light and nothing in front of them came to an immediate halt, by buddy swerved out the way and I hit both breaks luckily stopping just before impact, but the drastic stop caused me to slide forward and rack to the CRAP out of my nads! Needless to say I learned to keep plenty of distance from all cagers, becuase the ride back home was not pleasant.
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I had been driving/riding in Italy for a few months and I thought that I had a good grasp on how to tell when they were going to cut you off and when they weren't. Was headed down a two lane road approaching an intersection. There were two cars coming down the road the opposite direction about the same distance as I was. Another car stuck his nose out in the road in front of me to make a left turn, but stopped with enough space to let me and the other cars pass. Since he wasn't creeping forward I made the mistake of assuming he was going to wait until I (and the other cars) passed. Not the case. He suddenly pulled out in the road at the last second. Since there was no space to swerve between him and oncoming traffic I just laid her down.

All in all, I look back and think about my other options and I'm ok with what happened. I'd rather lay it down and collide with only the pavement than t-bone a car or have a head on collision. I probably could have slowed a little more than I did in anticipation, lesson learned. As for the bike: the right mirror broke off and the forks were a little tweaked. As for me: I had on full riding gear minus the pants which were jeans (*sigh* I know.) I only ended up bruising my knee and hip and had a tiny circle of roadrash on my knee.
Dropped, but ok

Well somewhere around mile 343 of my first bike, 2012 FZ6R, I dropped her on her side today. Rider, bike mostly unhurt. One small scratch on bodywork, couple very small ones on bar end and turn signal (see pix).

I stopped at an intersection in the 100 degree plus heat in rush hour traffic, put my foot down, and there was no pavement there. Just a pothole, and my foot went right down into the hole and I had a slow-motion 'oh.. shit' feeling, and 'can I do something about this? nope tuck and roll..' just tipped over. Nobody stopped and helped me but they did honk, thanks guys. My heart was pounding and I couldn't get her righted but I remembered reading in the forum something about turning your back toward the bike, so I did that and lifted with my legs and up she went.

Now I have been puttering around planning to get frame sliders the whole month I've owned this brand new bike. Researching, asking questions, ordering one that didn't fit, hemming and hawing about which is the best one.

Answer: the best slider is THE ONE YOU HAVE ON YOUR BIKE WHEN IT FALLS, not the one you're planning to get next week. Lol. I learned! ordered today.

Thank the bike gods I was unharmed, as was my bike for the most part. Bruised ego, shin and elbow, and lesson learned.

If anyone knows a good post on correct way to right your bike after a fall I'd be glad of a link or tip, although I will try the good old 'search' function too, lol.

Just thought I'd fess up to my silly mistake. I should mention I'm 5'3", suspension is dialed down as far as it goes but I'm still on my very tip tip tiptoes when stopped. Any advice for short riders, or anyone who has lowered would appreciate info, once my pride calms down I'll start looking haha.


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My latest mishap was few weeks ago I was showing a few people what not to do when coming to a stop and well yeah I did exactly what I was telling them not too do and dropped my bike on the left side and broke off my foot rest. Good thing I was only going about 1 maybe 2mph and good thing for frame sliders!! YAY!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
I'm also 5'3' and I have the soupy's lowering link and the front lowered 1.75", it makes a HUGE difference, do this mod ASAP. I did it before I started riding and am glad I did.

i bottom out being 1.5 in the front, i couldnt imagine dropping it another .25

What type of driving do you normally do?
