Oil temperature


New Member
It's finally nice enough to ride around, and since i'm a beginner i'm taking it easy and just going around my residential areas. I just rode for about 40 minutes, going an average of 30-35mph and my oil temp was anywhere from 190-200ish while riding in about 50 degree weather (Fahrenheit). The fan never came on when I rode but when I came back to the house and let it idle, the temperature rose (duh) to about 210 and the fan came on. I let it do its thing until it got to aobut 230 degrees and then I shut it off.

Is that normal? I mean it was pretty chill outside and the temperature of the oil was around 230 degrees fahrenheit and the fan came on. I'm not worried but if its this chilly now im wondering how the bike will handle in the summer with 90 degrees....
