Official PSN ID, Xbox Gamertag and Steam ID Thread


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member
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Please post your Xbox 360 Gamertags and PS3 PSN ID's here, and I will update the first post so we can quickly find some fellow forum members to play with. Please make sure that the spelling is correct, I will copy and paste. I am thinking of making a Silver XBL account so that we can all friend that, and see who is online to keep our friends lists clean. Let me know if you would like to do that.

1. FZRblack - Xbox-Rabbitman109 PSN-Rabbitman109

PSN: Dan_Tetty_Nick (dying to change thou)

Secndhand_Smoke (yes, no O) ;) Dont get on much anymore, but I do my best.
TokenSSDD on both systems. I'm on the Xbox more now though.
I added myself

the ---> lF part is a little L
PSN sucks.

and xbl have more team based play....everytime i play on psn I feel like Im rambo no one works together. and people camp in weird spots on PSN compared to xbl
PSN: sichatch
PSN: Major_Jnizzle

sage you dont count your never online lol

Just cause I'd rather be riding doesn't me I don't count ;) I've been back from school a week and it's still sitting in my bag

(same reason you have 4000 more posts than me :p)
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