Novelty Helmets

Ok I want/need more info about novelty helmets, cause now that I think of it, I may have a novelty helmet!! Please if anyone knows the exact classification of novelty helmets please let me know, cause if, I do have a novelty helmet, I will be sure to get a new real helmet!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Ok I want/need more info about novelty helmets, cause now that I think of it, I may have a novelty helmet!! Please if anyone knows the exact classification of novelty helmets please let me know, cause if, I do have a novelty helmet, I will be sure to get a new real helmet!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!

Should have an approved DoT (Department of transportation) sticker on the back of it. It's actually a law to have it visible as well.

Snell sticker is harder testing on the helmet and would be great if you get it as well.
Should have an approved DoT (Department of transportation) sticker on the back of it. It's actually a law to have it visible as well.
Yeah, however anyone can get a roll of fake DOT (and/or SNELL) stickers for a few bucks on eBay.

I think there's a .gov website where you can find a list of DOT approved helmets. If you have a helmet from a major manufacturer or retailer, it's probably fine. If it's a super cheap no-name from a bike show or swap meet, might be time to worry.

If there's any doubt, don't chance it. You can pick up a new, legit, no-frills full face hemet (HJC or the like) for about a hundred bucks.
Well it has a sticker but the damn thing came from china, now I am really concerned! I may go ahead and just spend the money and get a good helmet, it is Christmas time so I may call Santa and ask him to bring me one! LOL. But seriously I am gonna start looking for a new helmet! Thanks for the info!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Well it has a sticker but the damn thing came from china, now I am really concerned!
The majority of helmets on the market, including many major brands (other than Arai and Shoei) are made in China.
Novelty helmets are obvious. A thin plastic shell with almost no foam on the inside. They are intentionally designed as a "middle finger" to "The Man". Their riders hate being forced to wear a helmet, so they feel it is a statement to ride with something that superficially looks like a helmet, but functionally does nothing for impact.

Odds are, your helmet is NOT a novelty helmet.
My helmet is a Masei, it fits well and feels good, low wind noise seems to be a solid helmet, but now I am just really Leary about my helmet! Should I fork over the cash and get me a good helmet??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Novelty helmets are obvious. A thin plastic shell with almost no foam on the inside. They are intentionally designed as a "middle finger" to "The Man". Their riders hate being forced to wear a helmet, so they feel it is a statement to ride with something that superficially looks like a helmet, but functionally does nothing for impact.

Odds are, your helmet is NOT a novelty helmet.

I hope it's not a novelty, cause I honestly like the helmet, feel, low noise, comfort and looks, but I would rather be safe than sorry. As I said before it's a Masei, I never heard of the brand and yes I must confess I got it on eBay from china and it was cheap and I liked the way it looked.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
I hope it's not a novelty, cause I honestly like the helmet, feel, low noise, comfort and looks, but I would rather be safe than sorry. As I said before it's a Masei, I never heard of the brand and yes I must confess I got it on eBay from china and it was cheap and I liked the way it looked.

Again, I doubt most of the people on this forum have a novelty helmet. Most of them are open face or short half helmets that cruiser riders prefer.
Here's an example of a novelty helmet. This one has, get this, 0.16 inches of padding! The whole helmet weights 1.6 pounds! The foam is what will do most of the protecting of your head in a crash.


An Arai full-face helmet weighs just under 4 pounds. You do the math.

A real motorcycle helmet has about an inch of foam.
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Ok I want/need more info about novelty helmets, cause now that I think of it, I may have a novelty helmet!! Please if anyone knows the exact classification of novelty helmets please let me know, cause if, I do have a novelty helmet, I will be sure to get a new real helmet!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!

here is some good information about helmets:
DOT HS 807 880 (revised september 2004)
Incidentily, Snell testing is not necessarily "harder", it is just different testing from a private company. From WebBikeWorld:
The Snell Memorial Foundation is an additional certification source intended to provide testing standards and "Snell" certification to a different standard than FMVSS 218. The Snell standards don't replace the DOT standards; meeting Snell standards is completely voluntary. All motorcycle helmets sold in the U.S.A. must be DOT "certified", in that they must have gone through the proper procedures in a certified testing lab to meet DOT standards for motorcycle helmets, but they are not required to be Snell certified.

A motorcycle helmet that carries both DOT and Snell standards may have gone through different testing schemes, but may not necessarily be superior to helmets that meets the DOT standard. There is some controversy over standards and testing, and it gets even more complicated if you consider the European ECE 22.05 standard.
Thanks for all the info guys, I do have my Christmas bonus coming in a week or two so I may use some of it to get me a new "REAL and SAFE" helmet and not worry about my noggin. Not that I plan in crashing but I would rather be safe than sorry!
Honestly I have an old HJC but it's been dropped so many times on concrete and the visor broke and the vents cracked and I just don't trust it now cause it did take alot of abuse! It is Christmas so I think I will treat myself! Thanks again guys for all info!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
If you want to race any motorsport, both DOT and Snell are required.
No argument..just the rules.

There may be better helmets out there with only a DOT certification but how do you find them and how do you prove it?
The price paid for a helmet does not necessarily equal the quality of the helmet either. It's a crap shoot if you just go by price and features as to the ability of the helmet to hold up and keep your noggin safe in a crash.

Shoei is a great product but not the only one with superior features and safety. IMHO they are seriously overpriced.
Simpson used to be the "best money could buy" for racers and then Bell with Shoei being 3rd or lower. Marketing is what got Shoei where they are. I'm not bagging on Shoei as they make a nice product but so many times I've heard people say "My head is worth the price and I'll only wear a Shoei". I've heard that about Mercedez Benz, BMW and Cadillac too and it's all marketing hype. Of course the Shoei graphics help sell them too. Shoei is sold everywhere so it's easy to try them on and then go shop for price and graphics and get a better deal. The Simpsons are primarily sold through "RACING" distributors and are not in all the stores like HJC, Icon and Shoei. They also sell out of stock as the production runs are limited. Not much available in Simpson right now but this one looks good and isn't priced as high as a comparable Shoei.

Look at this one from Simpson and compare it to one of the top Shoei helmets.
Simpson Outlaw Bandit M-2010 Rated Helmets - JEGS

Here is a has Snell M2010 (and of course DOT although not said). No helmet shell material is listed either..just lots of marketing hype which is typical in the specs...reading this I'd have a hard time to verify if the shell was made of swiss cheese, ABS plastic, fiberglass or a Kevlar/Fiberglass composite. But people say it's the highest quality and safest helmet money can buy...Ya right..based on what?
SHOEI North America | X-Twelve

It boils down to mass produced aggressively marketed, REALLY pretty and way overpriced helmets made in Japan or REAL racing helmets made in the USA to handle 200+ MPH both aerodynamically and in a crash. Now which helmet would you want your head in?

I'd love to have a super light all CF helmet but the CF/Kevlar/Fiberglass composite shells hold up much better in a crash. CF tends to disintegrate.

I'm not bagging on any of the "popular" brands out there but I've had my Indonesian "RACING" helmet examined by several helmet manufacturers at motorcycle events and after pulling the helmet apart they all agree it is as good as the most expensive helmet they sell (except for a minor feature or 2 like more air flow or a visor lock or some gimmick). Cost was $35.00 USD and it only has DOT so I had to buy another helmet to pass inspection and race.
I doubt my Indonesian helmet was tested at 200 MPH for wind so it is probably not as good aerodynamically as some of the other helmets out there either. Safety wise it is top notch tho and the graphics are great..:D
"bag" all you want i didnt see anything about arei's in there....they are "pretty" and proven.... they arent just driven by media hype... hand made and proven on the track as well as threugh years and millions of dollars in testing.... ive never been much of a shoei fan... my uncle hit a turkey with his shoei and ever since hes used arei's.... im not sure why but he does... im content with my hjc... they have come a long way but if i had the money my head would be in an arei... any day

Sorry....I left out Arai as I was only posting about marketing hype helmets with pretty graphics vs a real helmet and Arai is the real deal. Brands as Vega, Scorpion, HCI, HFX, O'Neil racing and many more that are out there too and some are pure marketing and some are the real deal.
Arai is another quality helmet and is handmade in Japan. Priced appropriately for a handmade Japanese product with the top of the line over $800.00 each.

So many choices...only one head.......

me too. I have Masei Helmet too

me too. I have a 419 Skull Helmet from Masei



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