New York Trip


New Member
I'm taking a ride to new york this weekend. A few of my buddies who belong to the fire and iron mc have invited me to go along. (fellow firefighters of mine of course). We got guys from F&I of brooklyn comming down to meet us and escort us in to the city. Also will get a tour of ground zero from one of the batallion chiefs from the fdny. I can't wait. This will be the longest ride I have ever done. I am leaving from beaver falls pa and my destination is the ground zero site. According to google its about a 6.5 hr haul. I'm adding an estimated 1 hr to my time for fuel stops and such. Only one downfall is my entire ride up to there will be in the dark. I amunable to call off work on friday because two techs are already off. The others I'm riding with are leaving friday morning. I am leaving friday night because I want to be up there in the am to have a full saturday of site seeing. According to google the majority of my ride will be accross us rt 80. Has anyone every taken a trip similar? What are some things I should look out for or keep in mind besides the normal stuff? Outside of all the common sense stuff.

I would suggest not riding at night if you can avoid it. 6.5 hour haul is a big ride so make it as comfortable as you can. I don't enjoy riding at night when it is harder to see. Just take frequent breaks. The trip in a car is easier because you can zone out somewhat. We don't have that luxury on a bike. have a safe trip!
