new bike, need help with installing fairings


New Member
Hey fellas, I just picked up a 2009 fz6r and the previous owner had it stripped naked, I have all the parts , brackets and plastic but I just can not figure out how to put them back together.
Now few things I should mention. The stock bars are replaced with renthal bars, really comfy, I love the wide grip on the front. Is that going to be problem with the fairings at all ?

and second thing the stock pipes and muffler are replaced with a modded pipes from an r6 (real-badass sound). Will that affect any of the plastics ?

thanks for the support
If you have an owners manual that has the how to on the fairings. Don't know about the bars but the pipe shouldn't cause any problems. You can go online also for the owners manual.
You can also find the factory service/technical manual online in PDF form. That will have everything you need to know in it. It shows how to put everything together.

-Uncle Al
