My brand new boy

Brock Kickass

New Member
My wife gave me the most wonderful gift I have ever had yesterday morning; my first son Max. He's a little short to reach the pegs right now, but he has strong hands. He should be able to squeeze a clutch in a few weeks :p

Awesome!!! Congrats man! Enjoy it while you can! Grow up WAY fast. 5-10 years as an adult you do not notice much change. Every single year as a child is HUGE.
Congrats to you and your wife. That is a fine looking son you both have! All my best sir.
Congratulations man! My son is about 8 months now, it's amazing how much your life changes, wouldn't trade it for the world.
Congrats! :)

Are you using dyno milk or full synth? LOL

(Referring at oil thread... Usually one of the first question to pop out... Should I use regular oil or full sythetic?)

Standard until he's broken in and then switching to full synth, of course!
