Motorcyclist killed by cager, coverup ensues. Can you guess why?


I'm new to the forum. I was browsing around and saw this thread. It's July 2012... still no trial. 2 vials of blood were drawn for the cop when he was arrested. They were ruled not admissible in court. They measured his BAC was 0.19. 1 vial was "accidentally" moved to a non refrigerated storage unit.
I'm new to the forum. I was browsing around and saw this thread. It's July 2012... still no trial. 2 vials of blood were drawn for the cop when he was arrested. They were ruled not admissible in court. They measured his BAC was 0.19. 1 vial was "accidentally" moved to a non refrigerated storage unit.

Welcome to Indianapolis news for the last two years... Sounds like they're getting closer to prosecution.

EDIT: Just realized you're from Indy. Sorry! Crazy stuff though, eh?... and Welcome!!! :welcome:
something like this happened in my town too about 10 years ago- a small suburban city in Los Angeles... basically, a very well-liked officer had an alcohol problem and repeatedly drove intoxicated. the result was many residents discovered their parked cars had been mysteriously side-swiped very badly over night. when they reported these incidents to the police, they kept getting swept under the carpet and covered up. but, it kept happening over and over. eventually, enough citizens made enough noise that the FBI got brought into investigate the corruption and cover ups. i think the police chief and officer involved all got axed eventually and cut a deal with the Feds. and, this shit finally went away. it's just sickening tho when u read about it and realize that the police dept does have a collective mentality. and, they will go to no end to cover up crimes of their own- even as petty as property damage. karma's a bitch though.
Definitely unfortunate when the few give the many a bad name, especially when the many stand for serving and protecting. Hopefully the people involved will get served justice by the ones who truly defend it. If not, then that's just another shitty thing to be allowed to happen in this world.
Indy Police are asshats anyway. It's a real shame. I had one try to give me a ticket for flashing my brights for a split second in my apartment parking lot because I just picked up the car as a rental and was checking all of my controls and he happened to be about 1000 feet away on the other side of the parking lot facing me parked.

You'd be surprised about how easy it is to get these kinds of things dismissed. Yea, some cops can be complete chodes. Really the best thing you can do is tell them you weren't doing anything wrong in a polite manner. If they ticket you and you don't agree with it, take it in front of a judge and get it easily dismissed. The cop cars record everything pretty decently, if the judge sees that you were respectful and truly didn't break a law, they'll let you off no hassle. Half the time the cops won't even show up to the court, which means you automatically get it dismissed. My dad and step-dad are both officers, it really helps to know how to handle things, haha.
Thats Annoying!!

A police department should never be able to investigate an issue like this. That should be an issue where something like the State Patrol is called in to gather labs and investigate. Not saying that there is a cover up, but it is pretty suspicious and convenient that everything was done wrong and not admissable.

Kind of my thought process. here the Texas Rangers get involved and do the investigating.
and you wonder why cops are so aggressive when they come in contact with the public. Just read some of the comments here or on any internet news story and you can understand why. They have to presume every situation is life threatening for them since there are so many people out there who hate them......the majority of whom are criminals.
Bad cop, no doughnut. If you are a "good" cop and you help cover for a bad cop you also are a bad cop. Similar things happen all the time in Chicago. The laws do not apply to police officers here, especially when it comes to DUI and killing people. There are some good cops but that doesn't mean squat. I haven't had any kind of ticket in 10 years and ride slow so don't accuse me of sour grapes. Cops and their kids are always to be avoided whenever possible, typical spoiled government workers.
and you wonder why cops are so aggressive when they come in contact with the public. Just read some of the comments here or on any internet news story and you can understand why. They have to presume every situation is life threatening for them since there are so many people out there who hate them......the majority of whom are criminals.

..and you wonder why the public has such a hatred towards cops. If I were to run over a group of motorcycles with a BAC of 0.19 2 years ago, I would have served my time and been out of jail a year ago.
Just another cop literally getting away with murder. Cases like these ceased to surprise me about a year or two ago.
and you wonder why cops are so aggressive when they come in contact with the public. Just read some of the comments here or on any internet news story and you can understand why. They have to presume every situation is life threatening for them since there are so many people out there who hate them......the majority of whom are criminals.

*sigh* yes, lets all rejoyce that a PUBLIC SERVANT killed an innocent civilian and pretty much got away with it -_-. I wanted to actually be a cop as early as a year ago but there's just soo much corruption... and the bottom line is, the city/county/town just look at you as a revenue creator. You cant just "chase after bad guys" you have to fill quotas and give out bs tickets that are just a nuisance and dont do the public any good.

I wont get too deep into but.. yea thats just my 2 cents
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