Motorcycle rider killed in hit and run


Monster Member
Elite Member
Sigh. RIP fellow rider... :(
Stay safe everyone.
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Wow. You never know when you won't make it home. RIP
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RIP, Adolpho...
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It's so sad and tragic when riders get taken out like this.

Some days you just know to slow down and keep giving way all day long, listen to that voice.

I nearly pulled out in front of a speeding taxi yesterday. Hopefully we keep living and don't end up where we shouldn't.
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some updates from my other forum:

So the other night we had another motorcycle fatality in Bakersfield. By the looks of it, it was one of our newer members to - ZeeExx6Arruh

I felt you all would want to know. It hasn't been confirmed that this was the same person but there aren't a lot of green '07 zx6r's in this town owned by a 22 year old so myself and MoM are speculating that it was. The age of the rider and the type of bike as well as the people I see coming in here regularly seem to show that it very well could be one of our own.

Apparently a car pulled out in front of him and he hit the right rear side of the SUV. It also appears that he was traveling at a pretty high rate of speed. The street he was on is a 40mph zone. The driver of the SUV left the scene to "get his shoes and come back". Now that might be BS or it could be true... but he still left the scene and was picked up later at his house. The driver of the SUV had been drinking but wasn't over the legal limit. He was also on a suspended license.

Now... all of this aside. And as unfortunate of an event that this is... I feel it's necessary to look at both sides of this situation. Yes... the driver had been drinking and shouldn't have been driving. But our fellow member was a somewhat inexperienced rider going well over the speed limit.

I do not have a problem with motorcycle clubs. To each their own. But in this town it seems like people join these clubs to gain some kind of respect of other riders. Many of the "presidents" of these clubs aren't all that good of riders themselves. I feel that if more riders tried learning the benefits of how to ride and ride safely in city streets many of these events wouldn't happen.

We have many fatal motorcycle crashes in this area over the summer. It's nothing new. But for the most part they were caused by riders doing things they shouldn't have been doing on city streets.

These are just my opinions... and as opinionated as I am, and as odd of posts this member put up about "racing an R1" or whatnot... we've still lost another rider. My heart goes out to not only the riders family and friends, but to the driver of the SUV who never saw him coming.

Here's a link or two to the story.

Driver Arrested In Fatal Hit-And-Run Crash - Bakersfield News Story - KERO Bakersfield

Fellow bikers ride in memory of colleague killed in hit-and-run ax | Local & Regional News | Bakersfield Now - News, Weather and Sports

That said.... PLEASE keep your speeds down on city streets. Help give people a different view of sport bikers. :no:

Arreyque was arrested for felony hit and run, driving with a suspended license and vehicular manslaughter. In a jailhouse interview with Eyewitness News, Arryeque said he realized it was wrong to leave the crash scene.

"I didn't see him, and he hit the back of my car, and that's it, and I left because I got afraid, I got scared," said Arreyque.
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That's really sad that it happened to a kid so young. The inexperience factor really plays a large role in riding, even with some of the gifted naturals.

There have been more than a few times I wish I had just gone with a straight-up 600 or even a liter, but I find it's really important to take smaller steps with things like that, especially bikes. I started off riding a few seasons in Chicago on a 27 year-old Honda VT500. Needless to say, it wasn't super quick, but it was fun enough. Now I'm on the FZ6R, and I gotta say, it's plenty quick. Sure, I'll probably start to outgrow it in a year or two, but I'm *really* glad I didn't take the plunge into something crazier right off the bat.

My heart goes out to his family and friends. Ride In Peace, brudda.
