Motorcycle meet up and group APP


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm a mobile developer / web developer, and i've been working on a system that allows for people in any given city / state to find, and locate someone to ride with ( including event type meets ). Aside from this, the app / website has quite a few additional features. I was hoping i could grab 2 - 3 people to bounce a few things off and get some feedback from someone other than my close group of friends, and my child.. who isn't good at giving constructive feedback. If anyone is available this week for about an hour, can you please pm me your skype name so we can have a quick chat one on one?

I don't have much experience on that kind of stuff, but i think it would be a useful tool for people (Especially women) if users could leave feedback on the meet ups and ride i.e. friendly, safe rider, aggressive, or just a general "we rode together and everything was good"
I don't have much experience on that kind of stuff, but i think it would be a useful tool for people (Especially women) if users could leave feedback on the meet ups and ride i.e. friendly, safe rider, aggressive, or just a general "we rode together and everything was good"

Thanks for the feedback. My concern was this niche is mostky 20~50 year old men , and reviews might not go down well. However i did add this to the systen just in case it gets used. Thanks so much for the feedback. More is welcomed! We olan on launching thr site march 15th. So im scrambking to get features added before that date !
How is this app/site any different or better than Meetup. I use Meetup regularly and found a couple motorcycle groups I ride with. It was simple to do and easy to see events and rides scheduled. Even allow you to comment and it has a separate discussion board. So what is new and different about what you're building that Meetup doesn't already do and would compel anyone to use?
How is this app/site any different or better than Meetup. I use Meetup regularly and found a couple motorcycle groups I ride with. It was simple to do and easy to see events and rides scheduled. Even allow you to comment and it has a separate discussion board. So what is new and different about what you're building that Meetup doesn't already do and would compel anyone to use?

Lots of things.
For one meetup costs 19.99 a month to start a group. For two we also cater to individual riders,make arch your area and look for others to ride with. We have events and discussions as well. You can set yourself as available to ride or not available for one on one searching. Additionally, you can have a virtual garage that lets you add bikes and upkeep your receipts for maintenance, so when it's time to sell you can supply your receipts to anyone that might be potentially interested.

So while meetup offers a great place to meet up, it's mostly for groups, which are not free, nor is platform geared for bikers. No reason not to offer services to a specific group of people such as motorcycle riders. It's also free, unlike meet up, additionally were more of a social network of sorts, to allow more interaction with people who ride bikes. It may very well not be used, or frowned upon, but at least I can say I tried :p

Thanks !!
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Cool! Looking forward to trying it out then.

Thanks for being positive.

Although, I still have tons of question from a community standpoint. I did some surveying up in the north, michigan / washington / NY, and out of 200 surveys, i got a lot of the same feedback. However a lot of it didn't include reasoning.

For example, a site that performs every task perfectly, but lacks in the design area, are you still inclined to give something as such a try?

Additionally, our main goal here is privacy , as we use a lot of stuff based on location. Instead of telling you we won't share private information.. we simply dont ask for it. We ask for a real name, phone number, email, city, state, and other bike related questions, however, the name, phone, etc, are not required, they are only taken to offer more personalized items, such as text notifications on messages, or ride requests, or event reminders.

Another excellent question, is the whole facebook style social media... do you want to be able to have friends, and write on walls, etc, or, do you want it to be more moto specific, your profile just contains virtual garage, pics of rides, your favorite spots to eat, etc, and all of those things be commentable. rather than everyone having a free for all on your profile.

Feedback welcomed again :)
I am always open to giving something a try if it immediately looks interesting enough but if it's frustrating to use or doesn't deliver on the "promise", I quickly drop and delete...its that instant satisfaction mentality that app developers constantly struggle with I suppose. But style over function or functions that are hidden or non-intuitive does tend to annoy and eventually drive me away from apps and site.

As for privacy, I do value that and I only want to disclose as much as I need to people I am just meeting for the first time or don't associate with on a frequent enough basis. And location tracking should be optional.

Regarding social, not looking for a a replacement to Facebook, Twitter, etc but would like to be able to comment on rides. I'm on Facebook, meetup and numerous forums so I have plenty of social outlets so really don't need another that's taking a lot of time.

But it would be interesting if this can augment the various other channels I have to find people to ride with. I'm in SoCal so lots of opportunity to ride and lots of forums and communities here for finding people to ride with but it wouldn't hurt to have more options.
I am always open to giving something a try if it immediately looks interesting enough but if it's frustrating to use or doesn't deliver on the "promise", I quickly drop and delete...its that instant satisfaction mentality that app developers constantly struggle with I suppose. But style over function or functions that are hidden or non-intuitive does tend to annoy and eventually drive me away from apps and site.

As for privacy, I do value that and I only want to disclose as much as I need to people I am just meeting for the first time or don't associate with on a frequent enough basis. And location tracking should be optional.

Regarding social, not looking for a a replacement to Facebook, Twitter, etc but would like to be able to comment on rides. I'm on Facebook, meetup and numerous forums so I have plenty of social outlets so really don't need another that's taking a lot of time.

But it would be interesting if this can augment the various other channels I have to find people to ride with. I'm in SoCal so lots of opportunity to ride and lots of forums and communities here for finding people to ride with but it wouldn't hurt to have more options.

Thanks so much for the feedback. Im actually planning on dropping the mobile end of this completely. the main purpose of the mobile app is to receive notifications, and see who wants to ride with you, and see event dicsussions unfold. So, Im probably going to opt for sending text messages ( if enabled in settings ). Right now i have text messaging systems working on the alpha i have people testing. The goal is to launch a very minimalistic beta ( still very feature rich ), and easy to navigate within the next week or so. I know things like it exist, and ive spent months, and months looking at what exists. forums work great for what they are... the problem is, there are so many, and quite unorganized. Their are even " social sites " for motorcycles, and to be honest, they were all extremely cluttered, and had information on each page i simply didnt' care about. I took all that information, and made something with no ads, and no bloatcrap. sending messages is it's own page, profiles are pages, events are pages, their are no side bars, their are no complicated nav menus. I think i did a good job with making sure everything was right where it needs to be. I look forward for getting it up and having people test it for real world applications :)

Thanks so much!
This sounds very interesting. Say your about to go riding and decide you would like some company at the last second, or say a buddy was supposed to go and then dropped out. You could just "see who is riding in my area" kinda thing? then shoot them a message? (if they are on available mode)
that would be pretty cool, im hoping they would show up on a map so you could see exactly how far away there are.
this sounds very interesting. Say your about to go riding and decide you would like some company at the last second, or say a buddy was supposed to go and then dropped out. You could just "see who is riding in my area" kinda thing? Then shoot them a message? (if they are on available mode)
that would be pretty cool, im hoping they would show up on a map so you could see exactly how far away there are.


This sounds very interesting. Say your about to go riding and decide you would like some company at the last second, or say a buddy was supposed to go and then dropped out. You could just "see who is riding in my area" kinda thing? then shoot them a message? (if they are on available mode)
that would be pretty cool, im hoping they would show up on a map so you could see exactly how far away there are.


Thanks so much for your ideas... I had the exact same vision. However... after speaking to the masses, the biggest complaint i received was " privacy ". Their were way to many people against showing on a map, than their were wanting to be on a map, even if the option to show up was a setting that could be removed.

Additionally, as of right now, i've decided to take the mobile aspect out of this completely for the time being. The site is 100% functional, and i've been using it with friends for the past week, and it's quite featureless. It's lacking a lot of things I want to add to it before i relaese it to the world, which is why i'm not letting the app come out until it's molded exactly how the community wants ( rider community in general ). Thus far though you can :

  • Search for people in your area, I.E Houston, Texas
  • Create a virtual Garage, and upload maintenance receipts ( good for when it's time to sell ).
  • Create events, promote events, and discuss events with others
  • Join events, and see who else is going to said event.
  • upload images to your profile ( including your virtual garage )
  • setting your riding availability ( available, not available )
  • search for events in your area
  • send messages to other users.

Currently, i'm developing, and should have ready by end of week the following :
  • Ability to list a bike for sale, and report a bike in your garage as stolen, allowing other people to check a database of vins to see if a bike reports back as stolen.
  • promote events in any given area to show up on the home page of searches ( for a small fee of course :p )
  • Ability to group message ( send more than one person a message at a time )
  • Store your favorite routes ( on a map ) on your profile, so others can see said routes and ask questions, and discuss said route.
  • Ability to submit routes to the mater databse ( location based )
  • Ability to search for routes in your area ( location based )

Im looking forward to it, and I can't wait to share it with everyone :)
