Member levels

I'm on page 34.....I suck. :facepalm:

:D Takes time young one... :wreck:

Unless you are CC and whore yourself out like crazy haha. One of those whores that will pay YOU! ;)
You just joined last month. Some of us have been on here for years. It takes time, and especially if you start learning things about the 6R, and can pass along that knowledge, and experience. Don't worry about it, there are a bunch of members who are inactive that you can catch up to.

Page 6. woohoo! :wav: I though I was gonna be on page like 20 at least.
Been here about exactly a year. Took a 3 month break. I'm level 15 and on page 14. I don't create many threads, I mainly post in others.
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something is majorly wrong with ratings, when whatever is page 3 :wtfgun:
I joined august 09, when I bought my 6r. I still don't have 1000 posts.

All about quality of quantity i guess (this is a rare exception). :troll: :p
Like Jay says,it takes time. Some of us have been here years and are going nowhere. We're just here because we are bored at work. :zombie:
My question is: How is it that CC has twice as many posts as JonKerr, but JonKerr has 6000 more points for his posts?

Because the majority of Jon's posts actually have substance to them. :p Just breakin' yer balls, Mister Post Whore, hehehe.

And pictures. I think they give you extra points.
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