Mar 23, 2016 Deer vs. FZ6R

Just saw this thread, omg...glad you made it out of the accident mostly ok. Sending healing thoughts your way!
That's the spirit. Just last night I came up on a car stopped for a fawn no taller than my knee on the opposite side of the road. I of course didn't see this until I was passing the car; scaring the fawn across to the other side.
// thread jack....
I have had so many close calls in the PNW I can't count them all in 6 seasons... Far less in the past year since removing the P1X tips from the Two Bro slipons.
Of the 6 encounters this summer all but a single confused fawn (doe and 2 fawns) turned and ran back into the woods. Something about that wide open sound really gets them. Its blessing to them double back.

If your riding area is riddled with hoved rats, get loud. It appears to help!

/thread return

Get well man! And thanks for sharing!
leaning vstrom650... Good all around commuter, decent mpg, lots of farkles out there for long touring rides, plenty available in used market. My wild side wants an fj09... But my saner side says, keep it simple

Fj!!! Fj!!!
