Mar 23, 2016 Deer vs. FZ6R


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Holy Shit!!!
Glad you're ok (sort of), could have been alot worse.
I guess you can't test the mileage any further on the FZ6R?
I hope you get a good deal from your Insurer

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Your gear looks like it did a good job, nothing more than a broken arm's pretty good considering. What about the deer, did she go on the bbq?
Dart, glad to hear it was only a broken arm. Hope your recovery goes well.

I hit a deer in northern Alberta on my Sportster about seven years ago. Hit the deer just behind the front leg like you. The deer was on the side of the road then bolted across at the exact right time for me to hit it! I tumbled for what felt like a hundred metres. Ripped up my gear and got a gash on my knee as I had stupidly taken out the knee pads on my Aerostich pants!

A nice couple in a car saw it from behind and called an ambulance for me. Bike was a write off, even though the damage didn't look too bad.

For three days, I considered giving up riding. On the fourth day, I knew I would ride again. I love motorcycling that much.

Now when I ride I am always scanning for wildlife. I also try not to ride at dawn and dusk which are prime deer and moose spotting times.

So what is next for you? Going to fix up the FZ6R?
This right here is the very reason I'm wanting to add additional lights to the front of my bike. Home is 15 miles outside town, and the deer are thick out there. Learning I could do braking and counter steering on a turn was not my intended lesson that night, but just like with you, the dang deer just bolted from the side brush onto the road. I hope the mending is going well, and glad you weren't squiding it that night.
Sorry to hear read about all this, but glad you're on the way to getting it all figured out.


Good luck and I hope the summer goes fast for you. Both with the recovery process and also the fact of how frustrating it will be to not be on two wheels. :/
