Maine Motorcyclist Helmet Laws


New Member
I may be the only one here who lives in this godforsaken state (Maine), but in case I'm not... Just wanted to throw this up real quick and let y'all know that a new helmet law (requiring anyone on a bike to wear one, at all times) is being forcefully shoved through the corroded birthing canal of the state legislature. I am personally of the opinion that we should all have the right to live (or die as the case may be) as we damn well see fit. Among other reasons, because the research on the actual protective capabilities of your average motorcycle helmet provides sketchy evidence at best that they are even a good idea. Generally offering "total" protection up to a maximum of 18 mph (impact speed, not vehicle speed). I personally have actually never taken my bike any farther than moving it around the parking lot to another space at work without wearing my helmet... I feel like these nanny state sort of laws are more and more encroaching on our rights as human beings to make our own decisions when it comes to how to take care of our own bodies (or not to take care of them as the case may be). I would love to hear you guys thoughts on the subject.... I will throw up some links to the articles regarding this specific potential law when I have a minute in case anyone wants to look more into it. Love y'all and ride safe!
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I may be the only one here who lives in this godforsaken state (Maine), but in case I'm not... Just wanted to throw this up real quick and let y'all know that a new helmet law (requiring anyone on a bike to wear one, at all times) is being forcefully shoved through the corroded birthing canal of the state legislature. I am personally of the opinion that we should all have the right to live (or die as the case may be) as we goddamn well see fit. Among other reasons, because the research on the actual protective capabilities of your average motorcycle helmet provides sketchy evidence at best that they are even a good idea. Generally offering "total" protection up to a maximum of 18 mph (impact speed, not vehicle speed). I personally have actually never taken my bike any farther than moving it around the parking lot to another space at work without wearing my helmet... I feel like these nanny state sort of laws are more and more encroaching on our rights as human beings to make our own decisions when it comes to how to take care of our own bodies (or not to take care of them as the case may be). I would love to hear you guys thoughts on the subject.... I will throw up some links to the articles regarding this specific potential law when I have a minute in case anyone wants to look more into it. Love y'all and ride safe!

Please provide references on the research you mentioned. I would like to review in more detail.
It is the job of our parents to make decisions for us until we are developed enough to assume that responsibility. I'm sure every person here can remember at some point suffering some grave injustice at the hands of a parent. "It's not fair!" we'd wail, to which came the inevitable reply, "it's for your own good." Eventually we grew up and realized our parents were right, and we actually were in danger of making an ill-informed decision that would have bad consequences for us further down the road. Turns out spending all of your college savings on a rad drum kit isn't the path to prosperity. Thanks Mom!

It is not the duty of the state to be someone's mother, until the person is in danger of doing something so stupid that the state is forced to intervene. Helmets save lives. Period. There is no credible research on the planet to show that, in a crash, you are safer without a helmet. It's simply not true. Not at any speed.

If the government doesn't have the right to tell me I have to wear a helmet, maybe they should butt out altogether. Big deal if I like to do a little cocaine. Butt out! I did some informal research and I'm a great drunk driver. I should be allowed to get bombed and drive home. Free country, right? It's none of their business. Get it? Some laws are definitely pushing the nanny-state thing, but helmet laws, like drinking and driving laws or drug laws, are for your own good. If you think riding a motorcycle with no helmet is a good idea, unfortunately, you need someone to hold your hand.

Of course, I always like to point out that opinions are like a$$holes, and this one is just mine.
Just before this gets out of control, I would like to point out.

If this thread gets out of control and becomes a personal flame war, the thread will be shut down. This type of thread comes up now and again, and sometimes it gets out of hand. Keep it a friendly discussion, don't make personal attacks, and it will go smoothly. Again, just fair warning before it gets out of hand.

Should've pointed out; I'm not writing to go to war with anyone, just giving my opinion and the reasons behind it. In the end, the benefit and detriment of a democracy is that the majority will rule except in extreme cases. So, regardless of how any if us feel about the topic, the laws are written in our jurisdiction according the the wishes if the majority of the population. If you don't like a law (current or pending) make your voice heard. If enough people stand up with you, your elected representatives will have to listen or risk losing their jobs. If nobody else is willing to sign your petition, you're probably an idiot. :)
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Some years ago they implemented a helmet law in Texas, then all the cruiser types stormed the capital and got it repealed, but you do have to show proof of health insurance if pulled over riding without one. My opinion is that if you don't want to wear a helmet, you shouldn't have to, mainly due to the idea that it represents a significant infringement on the enjoyment for some of the cruiser set. It's not like the comparitively minor inconvenience of a seat belt.

As far as whether helmets actually protect against head injuries (this was one of the key arguments in turning over the law in Texas), I would err on the side that it does help. If you manage to hit the ground ass first and arms down and slide it out, then yeah the helmet may not do anything one way or the other; if you slide into an object, then it could save your life; if you got highsided then your head could get whiplashed to the ground and helmet would help; and there is always the possibility of a face slide; but some argue the helmet could worsen neck injury in a high speed ragdoll tumble. But, yeah, I will err on the side that it helps, plus it keeps bugs out of my teeth :D.
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I've never ridden more than 10 feet without a helmet, and I couldn't imagine riding without one. I usually clean my helmet before each ride and when I'm done with my ride, my faceshield and front of the helmet is covered with nothing but mosquitos, bees, flies, etc.... And then the rocks on top of it. Maybe it's just where I live, but around here there are places that have a lot of rock on the road and occasionly, I'll get pelted with some and I can feel them through my leather jacket if I'm going fast enough(which I am always going fast). I try to imagine riding around without a helmet on my daily rides and when I do, i picture one of those cartoons where someone is riding their bike and then they smile and their teeth is nothing but bugs cause they have a smile from ear to ear while they ride(yes, that is me). I would like to keep my face clean of bugs and road debris.

On the flip side, it would be a lot cooler(temperature wise) without a helmet on. Especially if you ride in traffic a lot. I find that sitting in traffic on a 85 degree day makes the temperature feel like it's about 110 degrees. And I just feel more confident with all my gear on. When I move my bike from point A to point B that is maybe 20 feet apart, I feel like a noob getting on a bike for the first time. Maybe if I grew up without having to wear any gear at all, things would be different. But this is my opinion on helmets and gear.
I don't leave my driveway without my helmet - in fact, I'm a hopeless helmet hoarder...
In my state, Georgia, helmets are mandatory, however, I'd be just as anxious to don it if I lived in Fla, where it's not mandatory.

That being said, I have a problem with any government dictate that is "for my own good," and that won't impact anyone else regardless of my own choices. That also means it shouldn't cost another taxpayer one cent if I go lidless, and manage to de-glove my skull in a 150ft. slide. So insurance SHOULD be mandatory to avoid it costing the state.

My household is/was *not* a free democracy, and my kids didn't get a vote. That's parental prerogative. This country (supposedly) is, and I'd prefer the illusion of freedom to make the choices that are only pertinent to, and will only impact, me... good or bad.

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That being said, I have a problem with any government dictate that is "for my own good," and that won't impact anyone else regardless of my own choices. That also means it shouldn't cost another taxpayer one cent if I go lidless, and manage to de-glove my skull in a 150ft. slide. So insurance SHOULD be mandatory to avoid it costing the state.

My household is/was *not* a free democracy, and my kids didn't get a vote. That's parental prerogative. This country (supposedly) is, and I'd prefer the illusion of freedom to make the choices that are only pertinent to, and will only impact, me... good or bad.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
+1. Very well said.
If the government doesn't have the right to tell me I have to wear a helmet, maybe they should butt out altogether. Big deal if I like to do a little cocaine. Butt out! I did some informal research and I'm a great drunk driver. I should be allowed to get bombed and drive home. Free country, right? It's none of their business. Get it? Some laws are definitely pushing the nanny-state thing, but helmet laws, like drinking and driving laws or drug laws, are for your own good. If you think riding a motorcycle with no helmet is a good idea, unfortunately, you need someone to hold your hand.

Of course, I always like to point out that opinions are like a$$holes, and this one is just mine.
Do cocaine or drinking/driving and such - affect and endanger other people. Not wearing helmet or a seat belt - affects only me. So yes please butt out.
we are grown people living in democracy (are we?) so please let me decide on it.
I live in Illinois and while I see tons of riders all day long without helmets and I think they're crazy, I still believe in it being their choice and their right! I'm atgatt and that is my choice! A free country should be just that...

I think the government tries to regulate way too much in the country as it is, and some fool who decides if his own life is worth wearing a helmet for or not should not be one of them!
Safety laws sometimes go too far, but some really do protect the idiots. (Kind of like the seat belt law - I was an idiot, now I am converted). So for me, for helmet laws is a good thing.
Interesting, on this site and a lot of motorcycle sites, there is always discussion about gearing up properly, even for people who don't ride hard...well, the number one piece of gear is a helmet, more important than jacket, pants, boots, glove,etc. (IMO)
Some years ago they implemented a helmet law in Texas, then all the cruiser types stormed the capital and got it repealed, but you do have to show proof of health insurance if pulled over riding without one. My opinion is that if you don't want to wear a helmet, you shouldn't have to, mainly due to the idea that it represents a significant infringement on the enjoyment for some of the cruiser set.

I notice no difference in the percentage of cruiser riders that wear a helmet compared to sport bike riders. Maybe the sport-touring riders are more likely to wear gear but if I had to guess I would estimate that 1/3 of riders in my state wear a helmet and there is very little correlation between motorcycle type and likelyhood to wear a helmet. Frankly, I have yet to see a cruiser rider in flip-flops and shorts and I have seen many sport bike riders do so. On the other hand, there are probably a few more sport bike riders who are fully decked out head to toe than cruiser riders.

It is the job of our parents to make decisions for us until we are developed enough to assume that responsibility. I'm sure every person here can remember at some point suffering some grave injustice at the hands of a parent. "It's not fair!" we'd wail, to which came the inevitable reply, "it's for your own good." Eventually we grew up and realized our parents were right, and we actually were in danger of making an ill-informed decision that would have bad consequences for us further down the road. Turns out spending all of your college savings on a rad drum kit isn't the path to prosperity. Thanks Mom!

It is not the duty of the state to be someone's mother, until the person is in danger of doing something so stupid that the state is forced to intervene. Helmets save lives. Period. There is no credible research on the planet to show that, in a crash, you are safer without a helmet. It's simply not true. Not at any speed.

If the government doesn't have the right to tell me I have to wear a helmet, maybe they should butt out altogether. Big deal if I like to do a little cocaine. Butt out! I did some informal research and I'm a great drunk driver. I should be allowed to get bombed and drive home. Free country, right? It's none of their business. Get it? Some laws are definitely pushing the nanny-state thing, but helmet laws, like drinking and driving laws or drug laws, are for your own good. If you think riding a motorcycle with no helmet is a good idea, unfortunately, you need someone to hold your hand.

Of course, I always like to point out that opinions are like a$$holes, and this one is just mine.

I'm a big believer that everyone is entitled to there opinion, so don't take this as a personal attack, just my personal feelings...

I disagree with most of what you said. If I want to ride without a helmet (I don't) I should not be fined for it, mainly because I am risking NO ONES LIFE AND/OR SAFETY BUT MY _OWN_. That's the key, laws that protect others from the actions of the stupid are necessary (a necessary evil in some cases, but necessary none the less). Nanny state laws put in place to protect us from ourselves are ridiculous, it is not the place of a government to do so. Example: You want to be a raging alcoholic? fine. You want to be a raging alcoholic who drives while intoxicated? no... because now you are putting others in danger not just your own liver. I realize this is a more complicated subject than I'm making it, but making me pay my hard earned money to the state because I refuse to wear my seat belt when driving feels a little crazy to me. Making me pay said money to the state for speeding, I have no argument for that at all for the same reason as before, at that point I was potentially endangering others, and I understood that and accepted and paid my fine without argument. (Also, I know I should wear my seat belt I guess, but I don't, and maybe one day I will die because of that choice... but wearing a seat belt in my car then hopping on my motorcycle seems counter-intuitive. End of rant. :)

Here's the less ranty part: I was in _no way_ trying to say that helmets do not protect or that you should not wear one, I took a bird to the face once (yes, a fricken bird....TO THE FACE) and without my helmet to glance off it would've messed me up pretty good, also I get the feeling that had it hit me in the face without a helmet it probably would have screwed me up enough for me to go down at the 70+ mph I was going since I almost went down even with the helmet, still not sure how I recovered from that exactly.

The research I noted in my first post was actually from the article in my local paper where I first learned about the proposed law, I will sift through the papers site and find the article so I can put up a link. The reason I brought it up had more to do with my own argument against the law and I repeat: was _not_ an argument against actually wearing one. I've seen the remains of a helmet that saved my friends life, the ER doctor showed us the smashes in the helmet and said (paraphrasing) "this hit would have set you back to 2nd grade, and this one would've taken off most of your jaw." My issue with it is a personal freedoms issue.

I'm getting redundant with this so..... ~FIN~

Ride safe y'all.
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