Looking for riders in the johnstown Pa. area


New Member
Looking to get together with other 6r riders. Live in johnstown Pa. home of thunder in the valley.I mainly ride with a bunch of harley guys and it gets so boring.If its 35mph we are doing 30 mph. great bunch of guys but like i said boring.:( have alot of work done to my bike , almost 20,000 miles. Bought it brand new in 2009, still looks and runs great.so anyone close get back to me and try to keep it on two wheels.
We were just talking about this recently in my intro thread. If there are enough people serious about this, I definitely say we start planning something. I get enough of "hey let's *insert random event here* sometime" with my friends... everyone agrees it's a great idea, but it never gets planned...:mad: Let's not have that happen here.

With that said... I would presume a Saturday or Sunday would work best for the majority? We already know a group ride is a good idea, so I'm just going to start throwing out some dates as many of my weekends are filling up with work and other happenings already.

I'm good 7/27 OR 7/28 if enough are interested in a short-notice ride (but I need to help my mother out the other day, so I would need to know which one ASAP)
8/17 & 8/18
8/31 - 9/2 (Labor Day Weekend)
All of September weekends are still open at this point, though 9/7 and 9/8 would require me to change things at work.

I also have some known random days off during the week including 8/5, 8/6 and 9/5.

What works for you?
I'm in Confluence, PA, maybe a little over an hour from Johnstown. I'm a new rider but definitely fell in love with it fast. I wouldn't mind a Saturday or Sunday ride.

I'm getting a little further away than some of the other guys but I wouldn't mind going for a ride sometime. I am located in Pine Grove PA. We have a lot of good roads in my area. Let me know if you want to go for a ride sometime.
