Longest daily commute

I fall out of bed, and if I roll to my desk I'm at work... I'm not sure, but I think it's probably inches...

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If I take the most direct route 1.2km
Most days I detour an extra 20 or so:D
I have about 35 mile commute one way. Roughly 70 everyday. Depending which way I take home traffic gets bad on Fridays so I usually take a longer but faster way home to avoid all the congestion

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82 miles round trip 90% is on the highway. I could take back roads but would take for ever.
67mi one way, mostly around DC beltway :steve:
74.6 miles to school and back on the highways and its all traffic. So i take a few back roads when i hit the country to relax and exhale the exhaust fumes of that damned city.
4.7 Miles each way for me if I take highways. Taking back roads and the "long way" makes it around 15 or so. I prefer the long ways. :)

150 miles ONE WAY for me. I try to stay with family a few times during the week so it makes for about 180 mile day. Commuting 4 days a week has me at about 700-800 miles each week.
