JonKerr's GoPro Videos

Give full credit to the artist

When I create a video I give full credit to the artist in the lead credits and at the end. I even include the suggestion on where the music can be purchased. That way the censors at Youtube will attach a small advertisement for the music next to my description. The censor always sends me a blurb saying I have used a artist's copyrighted material and they reserve the right to pull it. Think of how many videos the censor is tasked with viewing on his shift and how quickly he has to make a decision on whether an artist copyright rights have be violated. One of his main responsibilities his to protect his company from legal suits for illegal copyrighted use. If you tell him and the world in the credits he can make a decision to place the ad and let the music stay in. That way everyone wins Youtube gets a few pennies if anyone clicks on the ad a purchases music, the artist gets his royalties, and you get the use of his material.


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Wow awesome trail Jon. Makes me wanna go ride this summer too. I'm so outta shape tho. x.X
IDK about that music but you do have some good control of your car.
