
New Member
Hello good people of this forum,

I've newly acquired a 2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion with 23000KMs which is pretty much the same as the good ole FZ6R
Seems to be alright so far and it does put a smile on my face every time I see it
However ,it does have one issue which is bugging me
The story goes ,when I'm starting off ,mostly when the engine is cold and start going trough the gears I usually shift a little earlier than your usual rider, say I shift from 1st to 2nd at 3K RPM
Sometimes ,although not always once I do shift from 1st to 2nd ,once I let off the clutch for 2nd the RPMs drop all the way to idle and the bike displays heavy engine breaking and twisting the throttle doesnt seem to get the revs back up ,this lasts for about a second or two ,but just enough to bust my nuts on the gas tank due to the above mentioned heavy breaking
I've also noticed this going from 2nd to 3rd and the issue is so far excluded only to low RPMs
Is anyone familiar with this behaviour?
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Active Member
You're shifting into 2nd too soon. You should shift at around 4K RPM or higher. It's an in-line 4, it likes to rev.


you got to let the engine warm up a few minutes i usually take off at around 140 to 150 fahrenheit and shift around 3k to 4k

same for me at cold start i'm in 4th or 5th gear already bike wants to cut off i have to pull in the clutch downshift, blip the throttle to get rpm back up so bike won't shut off
