Intimate Entomology at 80 mph

remember, ducks eat for free at subway

Had I known that, I would've ordered a much larger sandwich. 'Lemme have the steak fajita sub, but don't bother ringing it up, it's for a duck! There are six ducks out there, and they all want SunChips!'
Dude, the pics and your trip were breathtaking and really inspiring. I have not been able to gather the courage to go for such long trips so far, but looks like you have motivated me and instilled some confidence in me to do it now! I really need to get on the road to get the crap out of my head. Thanks again bro. Great job!!:)
I really need to get on the road to get the crap out of my head.

That's one of the great benefits of a road trip, methinks. Flush the crap and fill it with good stuff, at least temporarily. I ride without music, simply because I do all my best thinking inside the helmet. I love music, don't get me wrong, but I like the action inside the helmet better.

No matter how fast or far you ride though, yourself will always catch up to you. Sometimes the you that yourself catches up with isn't the same you that rode away in the first place. Whether or not that is a good thing is up to you, I suppose.
Sounds like an epic ride, I'm feeling adventurous when I do a 2-3 day ride.
I've got a sudden urge to get hard panniers to go with the top box.

I nearly went down a few times on a few clay patches on a dirt road about 3-4 weeks ago, I had to use dirty puddle water to clean the chunks that fell on the chain and I only got about 1/3 of the amount of clay on my bike as compared to what you got there in that picture. I'm not sure how I didn't drop it, I had the bike at a 45 degree angle at one point, but somehow it popped back up at the last millisec, I suspect the tyre hit a rock right when I was working the bars and putting my foot down to put me upright again.

Like the website says "Enjoy life, ride a motorbike".
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The photos are fantastic.

I like that sculpture, I can feel the power in those horses just looking at it.

Best wishes for the new start.


Although I am still working up towards that long trip you did inspire me to start taking some pictures with my bike in the foreground :)


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