If you haven't heard....


Active Member
Thought I broke my back on Friday afternoon.

I was carrying a box down the stairs and slipped on the 4th step from the bottom and landed square on my spine at the corner of a step with my head hitting right after knocking the wind out of me.

I was not able to move for a few minutes but eventually was able to crawl to get the phone and call my husband which lead him to call 911 and his parents who were all at the house in a matter of minutes. Both ambulances and firetrucks showed up. Was immediately rushed to the ER since I could hardly move. Very scary and was/is in a crazy amount of pain with breathing problems on top of it. Got what I consider okay news but not the best.... nothing broken but sprained and bruised ribs, kidneys and along my spine. Basically to sum it all up..... PAINFUL!!

Unfortunately I won't be getting out of bed for quite a while. Every time I try to move its so excruciating I can barely keep the tears from flowing and I'm pretty hardcore LoL. :rolleyes:

Anyway, just wanted to share with all you guys. Prayers are welcome!
Happy to hear it wasn't more serious than some bruises from a fall like that. Sounds like you may be sore for a while. Get to healing!
Sorry to hear about the misstep... Very glad to hear it's a temporary thing...

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Oh man... that sounds painful. Very glad it wasn't anything worse. Take care and hope you feel better soon!
Sorry to hear. Luckily its not much worse; it could have easily been.

Heal quick!
hope you recover quickly, just remember it could always be much worse. small consolation when you in that much pain.
damn woman, that's messed up. I hope you start to feel better soon. I know how hard bruised ribs can be to deal with, just breathing can be painful.

You got lucky in your unlucky situation, I hope you recover very quickly and there is no lasting issues.
Thanks guys. :blowkiss:

Misery doesn't even begin to explain it. Wish husband was a little more understanding, but :rolleyes:
! OMG!! hopefully they gave you some good pain killers:D
Ouch :/ I hope your ok! Best wishes
Thanks for sharing & reminding us all to not take anything for granted.
I'll be praying for your speedy recovery.

Get well soon!

Sorry to hear that. Glad it wasnt worse. Take it easy and use the quiet time to reflect on all things. Really great how many people are praying for you. Add me to the list. ;)
