if this doesn't make you think!!!

That was interesting. I hate that something I love can be so dangerous. I do everything I can to reduce it, but still I sometimes go to fast for no reason other than I can.

Did you notice all the onbike footage that ends in wrecks are crashes due to rider error?
Passing a left turner in a no passing zone. Wrecking cause the guy in front wrecks.

It is a very well made video and like you said powerful.
I wish there was some way to get cagers to think.
The whole thing at the end with the cagers saying they didnt see the biker.
I think if you cant see, you are blind, and shouldnt have a license to drive. I see all the cars, trucks, bikes, rocks, twigs, cats, and what not in the road. I didnt see it is not a acceptable excuse. Could they use that if they ran of a bunch of kids getting off a school bus?
I haven't gotten that Johnny Cash(Nine Inch Nails) tune out of my head since I saw that.

I have a heavy heart after watching that. It sure goes without saying that again, speed kills. stupidity kills. I was impressed to see how many people who ran into cars running redlights, or turning into the lane, the biker rolled over the car and got up. Thats awesome, guy wearing good gear.
Reallity check, i hate seeing this stuff but in all honesty think we need to. Make us all stop and think that could at any time be me. Now i dont want to have my girl on the back.
Thanks for posting that Danny. Very thought provoking.
ya I agree sometimes seeing something like that makes me realize I'm not superman and reel it in a bit. I think that would make a good commercial on T.V. to open the eyes of the cagers and other inconsiderate drivers to be aware of there surroundings. I couldn't imagine the guilt someone would have taking someones life because of talking on a cell phone or just not paying attention!!!
Moving and well worth the viewing.
Not sure it was the best pre-ride material, get the feeling I just want to sit in the garden today.
Very "heavy" my heart nearly exploded !!!

And to think that I had a small accident this morning (with my car) and it was my fault. At a junction the guy in front started and sudenly stopped. Nothing much just the front bumper popped out a bit but I had my newborn and the wife with me and I was scared ****less!!!

I also do stupid things some times with my fz6 without reason and the roads here are real bad.

Have to be carefull all the time you can't expect other drivers to watch out for you, you have be alert all the time.
The one that really hit home for me was the far away shot from a gas station camera. The rider is just cruising along at high speed, then that guy pull in front of him to the gas station. The rider turns into a human bullet.

It's just hard to remember the physics behind riding and being stopped unexpectedly. Take home message, be paranoid. Assume every cage you see will do what you least want them to at the worst time possible.

Better make sure my wife doesn't see that video. My riding days will be over :eek:
Just wanted to give this a bump - I was going to post this video myself, but did a search and found it was already here....

I've watched this at the start of my last three seasons riding, and think it's worthwhile viewing. I realize we all know the dangers of the sport, but for some reason, this just puts it all in good perspective for the start of the season. Have fun and ride safe, all!

Crystal :Sport:
Awesome post Danny.... Good job on giving it a bump Whirly Girl!:thumbup::thumbup:

Keeps us aware. Im puting min on the road friday and it a great video to put things in perspactive and adapt the right mental attitude before the season starts. First thing I do every year is head to a parkin lot and get those emegency stopping skills honed..
made the mistake of showing this to the wife........ I think I can still ride this season :rockon:
wow that's a blast from the past!!! good bump!!! someone should do that at the beginning of every riding season, still very effective video
That Video is crazy, I wish my bro would watch it he has an fz1 every time I mention the risks he gets angry saying I know the risks. But its always good time for a reminder in my opinion.
Lots of sporbikes in there and very few of the cruiser types. Excellent flick and well done. Sure puts things into perspective....

Excellent video.

I found it pretty telling that in all of those crashes, I only saw four where I would say that the rider was at fault.

Since I started I've been a lot more careful while driving my cage.
My biggest fear is having to post here and elsewhere saying,"I killed a rider today."
May it never happen.

