I hate tailgaters

true... I often get scolded for backing out of crazy ideas.. everybody turns around and goes dude you own a street bike you should be the lease cautious one of the bunch lol

im with you not sane but still not flipping crazy lol

well, I also joined the military for a time... so yeah. I think I got your crazy beat.

IDK, I try not to be an *** on the road but sometime people are just begging for it...

Like tonight for instance. I had some dude that each time I changed lanes to get away from him he would change lanes and stay behind me. I even slowed down for 15 under the speed limit expecting him to pass me. No..... he stayed right there. So after repeated attempts to get rid of el pain in the butt that wouldn't get off my butt. I had to resort to the pocket. I'm not entirely sure of what came out of it but I do know that I saw him hit the brakes as I hit the gas...

I was going to pull into a gas station but I was on a long stretch of nothing so I couldn't even do that. It's about 10 miles of nothing.

I never saw the guy again... but then again I never slowed down enough to let him even have a hope of getting near me... I hate speeding on that stretch too because of all the cops, especially on a monday but I hit the brights and lucked out the entire way. When I finally came up on a side road I took it and hit the interstate after that.

I actually watched a show about those and they don't work that well. you need to have the hollow ones so they actually let the air out of the tires. These go in and unless they fly out they don't let the air out of the tires.
I saw that posted on another board - it's amazing. Homey just completely lost it - but you gotta wonder what set him off.

There is an original video of the whole thing on youtube. It's like a 8 minute video or something. They guy is jut a NUTTER and got upset for the dumbest of reasons. He's probably a very bad case of bi-polar...
One night after a car meet I was behind my fiancee and his brother on the 5 lane interstate, they were on bikes I was in my car. I left enough space for them in front of me, and the brother gets over to the left to pass a slow car leaving us behind. my fianceee couldn't get over because a car was coming up very quickly so we are both doing exactly the 55 mph speed limit behind the slow car. The fast approaching car levelled out with us and suddenly tried to jump in the space between me and fiancees bike. He swerved to the right, I honked and slowed down, car came fully into our lane between us. I was losing my mind! honking, middle finger, freaking the F out. fiancee dropped back a little slower on the right side of the lane, kicked the crap out of their front passenger light and then blew off on the exit that was coming up. It scared the sh*t out of both of us. Luckily, that exit was one that stretches and meets back up with the road and the jerk off had taken the exit all the way off. we were both shaken up after we got home. I've had several biker friends recommend open carry holsters to wear on my bike. I don't know, I think it would only come in handy if I had to stop for some reason. Also wondering if I'd get harrassed by any cops pulling me over to check it out and just screwing up my day.
As a conceal carrier, I'd argue against the open-holster on roadways. It's more likely to get you pulled over in most states just because people called the cops about it with vague statements like, "There's a guy on a motorcycle with a gun!"

I'm not saying don't carry a firearm, but that open carry often brings more negative attention than I personally care for. The only real advantage open carry on a bike would have is if you plan on shooting from a moving vehicle, which is not even remotely as easy as Hollywood makes it seem. Even if someone came along side me with the attempt to fire upon me, you'd be better off hitting the breaks and then driving evasively until you can get off the roadway.

In any case, drawing a firearm is a last resort to respond to deadly force to bring the situation back into an equilibrium. If you haven't already, I'd suggest taking a conceal carry class even if you still plan on open carrying. The classes give you a primer on the legal aspects of both self-defense with a firearm as well as without.

See, that's what I was thinking when I was told that, that people would just see a gun and call 911. I've had a concealed carry permit for years, I normally have it with me concealed, especially if I am alone. I also thought, the only good having it on the motorcycle would be if I had to stop on the side of the road and get off the bike for some reason, or in the case of crazy road rage people running over motorcyclists as per the video.

I've never had to draw the gun before, but I also lived alone in the hood for some time and kept it in my apartment. Now that I've handled it for a few years, I feel much more comfortable having it on me or in my purse.

Also, I was incredibly upset with my fiancee for kicking the jerk off driver's car, as I thought it seemed like a great way to go flying off your bike on the interstate or get run over (although I assumed it would be accidentally). I just can't believe the idiots that will cut into lanes without notice or signal especially when there are motorcyclists around. I was almost mowed down by one myself. People are idiots.
