I hate tailgaters

On a serious note - in a heavy traffic and a speed-away is not an option, when I get a tailgater attached to my tail I make a pushing move once or twice with my left hand behind my back. It worked for me EVERY time I tried. Seriously. And without anyone getting p..ed off.
I was coming home from work one day on my bike, and I was on a back road that was 50mph. It was a passing zone so i passed a guy who was going maybe 40 at the most signaled and didnt really go over 50 to pass him so everything was legal. As I'm passing he speeds up and gets right next to me as im coming over. After I make some distance he throws his highbeams on I guess in an attempt to distract me , and is on my *** all the way up to a light and he starts flashing his lights . What he doesnt know is that behind me was an unmarked cop. Shortly up the road after still following me and me giving some hand gestures I look back and see the lights flashing on the cop car :p I pull over with them and get off my bike and cop says " I saw everything you can go you didn't do anything wrong unless you want to press harassment charges" I just gave my thanks and left. I'm sure that guy got nice couple of tickets
I was coming home from work one day on my bike, and I was on a back road that was 50mph. It was a passing zone so i passed a guy who was going maybe 40 at the most signaled and didnt really go over 50 to pass him so everything was legal. As I'm passing he speeds up and gets right next to me as im coming over. After I make some distance he throws his highbeams on I guess in an attempt to distract me , and is on my *** all the way up to a light and he starts flashing his lights . What he doesnt know is that behind me was an unmarked cop. Shortly up the road after still following me and me giving some hand gestures I look back and see the lights flashing on the cop car :p I pull over with them and get off my bike and cop says " I saw everything you can go you didn't do anything wrong unless you want to press harassment charges" I just gave my thanks and left. I'm sure that guy got nice couple of tickets
I would not pass on that opportunity, especially offered by a cop - this jerk must be punished as hard as can be. "How dare you passing me, ME!!"
I would not pass on that opportunity, especially offered by a cop - this jerk must be punished as hard as can be. "How dare you passing me, ME!!"

Lol honestly I just wanted to go home from long day at work. I'm not really guy to get easily upset yea i was geting little mad but I would have just gone my own way and and chuckled at the fact this guy could get so mad at me passing him lol.
people just dont understand that we can stop faster than they can... every time i slowed down this dude would slam on the brakes like i had stopped abruptly eventually i just pulled off and waited a bit before i got back going where i was headed

some people just have no respect for other road users or motorcyclists

That's actually typically a myth in the case of a lot of bikes. though the difference isn't off by much it's still off.

Me and a friend did a lot of reading to this fact and from what we have been able to gather most sports cars can stop a lot faster than bikes and also most general road cars can stop a little faster and in some cases are slower to being able to stop but those are the extremely cheap econo cars.

It all has to do with width of tires and weight ratios of the vehicles.

Also there is a study that was done by car and driver or road and track, one of those 2. They compared all their testing data for the vehicles that they have done and had an article on the subject a few years back.

Typically though, motorcycles are in the realm of several more feet of being able to stop. It's been some time since I looked at the numbers but it was a little shocking to see that bikes are not as quick at stopping as we have been lead to believe.
I hate tailgaters too. In Cali we split lanes to get the F away from those *** turds
I like the idea of squirting water on the tailgater. What if there was a winshield washer fluid sprayer hooked up on the rear fender, and sprayed at the touch of a button.... Then it isn't too obvious. I think I found a good use for the mystery switch!
VW Golf's and expensive 4WDs are the worst around Sydney.

I've read stories of bikers giving lip at the traffic lights to tailgaters only to be punted by the car later and the head inside the helmet went flying down the road, and the driver (ex Cop) was let off totally.

If there's a tailgater, I normally leave a bigger gap in front of me so I can slow down gently. Then lane filter at the next lights or if not gas up away from the tailgater earlier. If the car is a fast one or a doggedly persistent one, you have to let them go in front. It's not worth your life to 2nd guess these show ponies.
VW Golf's and expensive 4WDs are the worst around Sydney.

I've read stories of bikers giving lip at the traffic lights to tailgaters only to be punted by the car later and the head inside the helmet went flying down the road, and the driver (ex Cop) was let off totally.

If there's a tailgater, I normally leave a bigger gap in front of me so I can slow down gently. Then lane filter at the next lights or if not gas up away from the tailgater earlier. If the car is a fast one or a doggedly persistent one, you have to let them go in front. It's not worth your life to 2nd guess these show ponies.

I completely agree. That being said I will (when in my car) slow down a hell of a lot more and ride 8-9 mph under the speed limit and if they get too close for comfort I just pop into neutral and coast. I've actually coasted to a stop, waved and then slammed gears when the kids got out of their car. I was laughing for miles. One time years ago when I was stationed in VA I put my truck in neutral and put the E-Brake on just slightly so I would stop a little faster and when I came close to a complete stop I slummed over in my seat. The guy behind me got out and ran up like he was going to help I then sat up, rolled down the window and told him that he shouldn't tailgate and laid down a good 15 feet of rubber after that and took the next exit which was mine anyway....

If you have a sun roof and a cup holder full of pennies or BBs, those are just a great combination. I have also found that a stash of electrical box punch holes in my motorcycle jacket are a great combination with a simple thumb pop over the shoulder. You can normally get away with 2-3 of them before they realize it's you... lol. Then you just nail the gas and get the F out of there.

My level of patience is normally much higher but I have my days where enough is just enough. Granted I've only done these things a few times over the years and I have a good 15 years of driving so yeah. I've had plenty of time on the road to be stupid... Most of these events occurred in my early twenties though and I've since managed to keep my anger in check a lot more. It's a hard thing to keep in control of.

I haven't had a laps of stupidity in years though.

Though I just thought a nice one, just act like the bike is having trouble. use your thumb and flick the engine on/off button a few times and slow down and just act like you are slapping the bike. But be sure to keep slowing down a little bit each time you do it. Then when they go to pass hit the gas and get back up to speed again. LOL. I like this one, and it's not as mean as other things I've done.... but would give me a hell of a laugh...

There is also the trick of just sticking a piece of tubing onto your rear window washer nozzle and giving them a bath behind you if your car is equipped. I would like to see someone try this with a bike though, I think what would be hilarious... You could also play the malfunctioning bike at the same time for more effect.

LOL, I do have a twisted mind at times...
Had my first experience with a serious tailgater today. Couldn't stand the slower pace of traffic, I guess. I tried everything the MSF course said, including flashing my brake light and giving myself space ahead. My next course of action was going to be to find a good place, pull off and just let him pass, but unfortunately when I stopped at the next light, he rear-ended me. Wasn't very hard. Just hard enough to scare me a bit. I pulled off to look for damage, and the guy drove off.. :( I was just glad nothing visibly happened to the bike.

Right now would be a good time for evil suggestions on how to get back at idiot cagers. ;)

Next time, just back your bike up to his car and proceed to burn rubber on his bummer... LOL
Look at this douchebag. Tailgated me for nearly 2 mins all the way off the highway exit. Hate people like this.


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Look at this douchebag. Tailgated me for nearly 2 mins all the way off the highway exit. Hate people like this.

Pennies in the jacket pocket... they work great, you can give him your 2 cents about his tail gating... lol.
