
New Member
Graves blockoffs, not just for r6s and r1s anymore. If you have an aftermarket exhaust and are experiencing popping when decelerating then you need these. Also if you have a powercommander and can't get a good dyno reading, these will help.

Total install time: ~30 minutes

First, remove your rear seat with the key.
Then remove front seat.

Remove gas tank.

Unhook overflow hoses, unplug both plugs and remove fuel line. There is a cover on the fuel line, it pulls straight up and off, then squeeze both sides of line where it attaches to tank and pull straight out. Fuel will spill, but its not much. Remove tank and set aside.

Then remove air box.
The hose in this photo is what you will be blocking with the plug inside the kit, the plug goes onto the airbox nipple, put a zip tie around it to hold it on there.

Here is what you will see when the airbox is removed, good idea to put clean rags into the intake ports to keep foreign materials out, I didn't, but I was careful as well.

Remove these bolts and the ais slides off its mount, like an exhaust hanger almost.

Then remove AIS

lift up rubber cover, remove factory plates with hose attachments, then install graves blockoffs, a little blue loctite on the ais plate bolts is not a bad idea.

Half done, and done..

Reassemble and feel good about your job well done.
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Great write up with pictures! I'm glad I'm not the only one doing this. As I've yet to stripped down my bike to the point of the engine, only fairing.
this install was incredibly easy compared to installing them on the r1, on that I had to remove everything in this post, plus drop the radiator to be able to fit just my hand in there.. fun fun. :)
where did you purcahse these from? are these for an r6?
Are there any down sides for installing these blockoffs.......Performance wise!?
i got mine from, you can also purchase them direct from graves. There are no downsides except awesomeness! Seriously though, its only on there because yamaha has to put it there. In order for the bike to pass emissions for the 50 states they have to inject air into the exhaust to burn the excess fuel and lower emissions ratings.

oh, and there are no performance gains either in case you were wondering. This is strictly to get rid of the popping when switching to an aftermarket exhaust. I only got rid of it because its just extra clutter under the tank.
I just installed my blockoffs! This "How To" was more indepth than the instructions that came with the parts! It made the install too easy!
glad to be of help. I did leave one part out, the plug that goes to the ais system, just zip tie it up to another harness. It will no longer be plugged in.

Which ones did you order the 2003-2010 R6 block off plates or the FZ6?? There is no listing for the FZ6R.
Does the electrical valve have to be reinstalled? If it does not, does the check engine light come on?

x2 or does it just stay under there not plugged to anything...also do you have to remove the gas tank or can you let it stay on the swivel
Does the electrical valve have to be reinstalled? If it does not, does the check engine light come on?

You don't connect the electrical plug to anything. Once you remove the AIS plug unit just use the block off plates to block it. Anything that was connected to the AIS hoses before you don't need. Not sure about removing it completely but if I recall I just left there.

x2 or does it just stay under there not plugged to anything...also do you have to remove the gas tank or can you let it stay on the swivel

See above.

I would remove it, it's a lot easier and you have more room to work. I know the AIS bolts were hard for me to remove. I just took a chair, set it to the side of the bike lifted the gas tank on there without removing any wires or hoses.
Ok, I know I'm resurrecting this, but I feel there's something important missing from this how-to. What are the torq requirements for the ais plate bolts?
