How'd you dump/spill your bike?

Had a Buell as my first bike, managed not to drop it by my own fault. Riding on a street with 2 lanes going the same direction. I was in the left lane in moderate traffic, doing 45mph, giving the giant tow truck in front of me some space. The pickup behind me was giving me space. In the right lane a car decided to merge into me, thinking the lane was empty. I saw the car coming in my peripheral vision and dodged to the left as a reflex. Next thing I know I'm sliding on my face down the road. Thank you baby Jesus for full face helmets, armored jackets and steel toed boots. Unfortunately, I was wearing just thick tights underneath regular jeans. Chewed up my knee that took the impact. I guess I hit the curb on my left (it was a low one) or slid out on some gravel on the edge of the road. Not even sure what exactly happened. I remember getting up, running into the median on the road, then seeing my smashed up bike and being upset about having JUST installed new mirrors, turn signals etc. etc. Then I tried to pick the bike up and realized my leg hurt. hah. Now I'm picking up my FZ6R next week as a replacement bike.
In the driveway

I have been riding for the past 3 months. I bought a perfect 2012 FZ6R with 2000 miles on it. Not a scratch on it. I ride everyday to work and back 30+ miles on major highways. I love riding and it is the highlight to my day.

Yesterday I was driving down the driveway at 5mhp or less and turning on to the street. I looked both ways before going and just as I started to throttle and put my feet onto the pegs, a neighbors car comes flying around the corner. I did a quick panic stop (still in the driveway) and fall right over onto my side. Bike has minor scratches on the turn signal. That's it.

The killer is, my foot was under the bike and hurts when I walk....not bad though but I am running in a marathon next weekend a may have to cancel after training for the past year...but I rode again today and loved every minute of it.
I nearly had my spill on a rainy evening. Too dangerous to ride these in Rain. With no ABS or TC the front almost gave away while breaking.

If it rains, the bike stays still and i ensure i wait out before taking the bike again.

My First dump was not in Yamaha but on a Royal Enfield some years back when someone just jumped in front of me from behind a bus. Lost a rear view mirror and head light glass.
I nearly had my spill on a rainy evening. Too dangerous to ride these in Rain. With no ABS or TC the front almost gave away while breaking.

If it rains, the bike stays still and i ensure i wait out before taking the bike again.

My First dump was not in Yamaha but on a Royal Enfield some years back when someone just jumped in front of me from behind a bus. Lost a rear view mirror and head light glass.

Ahhh scary. New rider here, haven't dropped my bike yet, but it has fallen with the help of my friends. Oh whales.
Was practicing rear-wheel slides on a scooter, that ended predictably...

Leaned a scooter over on sand without keeping a foot down for stability, while on vacation, with my girlfriend on the back, ended predictably...

Grabbed a fistful of front brake while the wheel was turned on my FZ6R at 10mph, thank gawd for sliders...
Dropped mine earlier today, first day riding the FZ6R too lol. Still not used to the weight of the bike and trying to take it slowly (only ever riden an old CB400 a couple years ago and more recently, the Rebel at the safety course), but like an idgit I decided to make a u-turn on a hill. Didn't get very far, and dropped it (more like held on for dear life and laid it down as softly as I could).

I guess the frame sliders were a good investment, no damage to bike....just my confidence/pride and a small scuff on the bottom of the slider. Now that I got that out the way i can move on and hopefully not do it again haha
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I dropped mine yesterday - the first day I owned it! (Damn n00bs! LOL)
I almost dropped it trying to be cool swinging into a parking space. I was going to slow and cut the turn too sharp and it wanted to go over real bad. I managed to plant my foot and haul with all my strength and got it back upright. It had to have been past 45 degrees. I think I actually strained a muscle doing it. I'm pretty sore today.

But the real screw up came later. I had been riding for about three hours and it was brutally hot. I was dehydrated and tired from using muscles that hadn't been used in years. I came to an intersection where they curved the right turn lane into a mini-exit ramp kinda thing - you know the type with a triangle of raised concrete between you and the non-turning lane. Anyway, I was stopped and angled toward the right turn. I was cranking my head all the way left to see oncoming traffic. I lost my balance and the bike started to go over to the right. But I was too dehydrated/tired to keep it from falling and it went down. I gave it my best and it went down real slow, but the last few inches just tossed me aside. Now my left fairing has two scratches on it (dammit!) and my foot brake is bent in slightly. It was all I could do to pick it up again and once I did, I went straight home.

That was a good lesson about biking in the heat and the effects. Thankfully only some plastic was hurt. (And I think I'm going to have to start lifting weights and doing squats!)
