
Yeah, Blues are sucking and are going to get sweeped. Pissing me off. I thought this year they'd have a good run in the playoffs but doesn't look very hopeful anymore.
LET'S GO CAPITALS!!!!!!! Anyone else been watching the playoffs?

they dominated the rangers in second period(only period I got to watch while I was at work).....I was impressed during the 2 minute power play even though I wanted the rangers to win
Every day! (It seems). Hockey playoffs are the best part of the year!! :cool:

My team has been horrible the past few years, so I'm not really pulling for anyone in particular. I am kind of keeping up with every team in it instead of picking a team to win this year. I just LOVE watching hockey!!! And playing, but thats a different story altogether.
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Caps had me nervous today, I'm sitting at work watching it getting all worried when it got down to the last 2 minutes when the Rangers pulled their goalie.
Every day! (It seems). Hockey playoffs are the best part of the year!! :cool:

My team has been horrible the past few years, so I'm not really pulling for anyone in particular... but I just LOVE watching hockey!!! And playing.

I miss when the Caps sucked though. Tickets use to be sooo cheap back before the lockout but once they started winning of course demand went up and so did prices :( but hey I guess it is worth it.
LET'S GO CAPITALS!!!!!!! Anyone else been watching the playoffs?

Being a Rangers fan, of course I'm watching. :)
I will say living so close to Pittsburgh, it was fun watching the Pens lose. Even now the fans are still
I hope we don't have anymore triple OT games lol

Considering we usually lose in OT, I'll have to agree with you. I had a feeling this series was going to go 7. The Rangers just don't have the firepower to get in a high scoring game with you guys. If Lundqvist is hot we usually win, but he's been giving up some ducks lately. He can pull some amazing saves out of his ass, but then give up some garbage from the blue line.

Needless to say, it's been a stressfull month watching these assholes.
Considering we usually lose in OT, I'll have to agree with you. I had a feeling this series was going to go 7. The Rangers just don't have the firepower to get in a high scoring game with you guys. If Lundqvist is hot we usually win, but he's been giving up some ducks lately. He can pull some amazing saves out of his ass, but then give up some garbage from the blue line.

Needless to say, it's been a stressfull month watching these assholes.

I've been getting so pissedddd at your goalie for all these saves he's been making .
Being a Bruins fan I will not root for anyone left in the east, I hate them all. With that said ALL the teams in the west have never won a cup, so you I guess I'll root for the Kings since they knocked out Vancouver.

OMG!!! I'm sorry but that goal for the rangers just now was LuCky/SiCK!! Although I have been pulling for the Capitals as of late. OT!
